Real-time performance monitoring and troubleshooting
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Joined: Apr 01, 2009 2:42 pm
Full Name: Matko Bregovic

Feature request, grouping ESX-hosts

Post by 3molo »


I have a few ESXi hosts for general use, and about 20 ESXi for guests running a specific java application. It would be great to both have them in a separate tree view, and to aggregate the available resources and the current usage.

Seems to me this would be fairly easy to use.

I love your product btw, just started to test it. If everything goes well I will definitely ask for a quote form a local reseller. The only thing I don't like is that the monitor server can't run on *nix (wouldnt it be great to either run the viewer either in *nix or windows, or simply as a web gui?).
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Re: Feature request, grouping ESX-hosts

Post by Gostev »

Hello Matko, please correct me if I am wrong but it sounds like you need ability to group VMs (guests) instead of ESX hosts?
Also, please let me know if you have Virtual Center, or all of your ESXi hosts are standalone?

We will be releasing major update (4.0) in about 1 month, even more really cool stuff there. Some new features specifically aim Linux systems that you seem to rely on heavily ;) infortunately, architecture-wise nothing is changed and it still requires Windows to run. But your request has been noted.
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