Discussions related to using object storage as a backup target.
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Full Name: Dazza

Exagrid Copy Jobs and Compression

Post by gingerdazza »

We have backup jobs going to Exagrid with compression set to "Dedupe-friendly" and storage optimisation at 1MB, and this is achieving some compression of x1.4. We then have backup copy jobs for this data to object storage with compression set to AUTO to 'keep the existing compression level'. However, the backup copy job is showing 0 compression (x1). Why is this? And should the backup copy job be changed to "optimal" compression?
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Re: Exagrid Copy Jobs and Compression

Post by david.domask » 1 person likes this post

Hi Dazza,

Backup copies work by reading the source backups, which are already compressed and deduped; when the data is sent over via the Backup Copy, there just isn't much for the compression algorithm to work on so there likely isn't going to be a meaningful change you can make here since Veeam's inline dedup and compression will already have done most of its work.

So I think nothing to really change here; you can test with increasing the compression level, but I'm not confident you will see significant changes here.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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