I am trying to perform a full backup of a Windows 10 hardened laptop with the free veeam backup product.
Without hardening it works fine, I create the backup into an external USB drive with a NTFS partition and managed to recovery it with the recovery media.
But when I try to do it after hardening the laptop, I get a self signed error in the logs:
Code: Select all
29.11.2024 10:31:04] <01> Info Generating certificate. FriendlyName: [Manager to Agent channel encryption], Subject: [CN=VeeamDataMover connection certificate], ValidFrom: [28/11/2024 10:31:04], ValidTo: [28/12/2024 10:31:04]
[29.11.2024 10:31:04] <01> Error Win32 exception (-2147023143) occurred on 2 attempt to create a certificate. Attempts left: 1
[29.11.2024 10:31:04] <01> Error No hay más extremos disponibles desde el asignador de extremos (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception)
[29.11.2024 10:31:04] <01> Error en Veeam.Backup.Common.WinAPIWrappers.CertContext.CertCreateSelfSignCertificate(CryptContext context, X500DistinguishedName subjectName, CertCreateSelfSignCertificateFlags flags, CryptKeyProvInfo keyProvInfo, CryptAlgorithmIdentifier signatureAlgorithm, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, X509ExtensionCollection extensions)
[29.11.2024 10:31:04] <01> Error en Veeam.Backup.Common.SCertificateHelper.CreateSelfSignCertificateInternal(CryptContext context, String friendlyName, String subject, DateTime from, DateTime to, X509ExtensionCollection extensions)
[29.11.2024 10:31:04] <01> Error en Veeam.Backup.Common.SCertificateHelper.CreateShortLivingSelfSignCertificate(String name, String friendlyName, Int32 certificateValidityPeriodMonths, X509ExtensionCollection extentions)
[29.11.2024 10:31:04] <01> Error en Veeam.Backup.Common.SAgentTlsCertificateFactory.GenerateTlsCertificateRetryable(String friendlyName, Int32 attemptCounter)
Thanks in advance!