[21.05.2024 13:44:52.032] < 2> lpbcomm| Executing custom script: [/var/tmp/script_pre job starts]. Arguments: [] ok.
[21.05.2024 13:44:52.098] < 2> vmb | [SessionLog][warn] Failed to execute pre-job script.
[21.05.2024 13:44:52.100] < 2> lpbcore| ERR |Failed to execute pre-job script.
[21.05.2024 13:44:52.100] < 2> lpbcore| >> |Failed to execute [/var/tmp/script_pre job starts]. errno [2]: No such file or directory
Obviously, the entire string passed to --prejob including all whitespace is assumed to be the script name. The "Arguments: []" output hints at the option to pass parameters. How do I do that? The parameters are static, they do not need to change between job runs.
Thank you for your quick reply. I half-expected that answer already, so it is no big deal. However, it would make life easier if I could just reuse one script and pass things like the job name as an argument. Maybe you could accept this as an RFE?