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Veeam Software
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Joined: Jul 17, 2015 6:54 pm
Full Name: Jorge de la Cruz

[API Reference Map] Veeam Backup for AWS

Post by jorgedlcruz » 2 people like this post

Following the trend across other products, we are delighted to share with all of you a small project we have been working on. The API Reference Maps, in this specific case, we are talking about Veeam Backup for AWS: What are these maps?
The API Reference Maps have been built with a practical approach in mind. We already have a genuinely comprehensive API Reference with great examples. So these maps have been created to aid with a visual representation of the API and its endpoints, with a few logical grouping done, so it is easy to consume.
Take these maps as if you were watching a puzzle from the top, all sorted out, all the pieces are there, so you can focus on the section that you are more interested in.

What do they look like?
These maps look like a mindmap pretty much, and you will find different colors and all the endpoints every API has, something like this:

These are great! I have feedback; where can I send it?
Either reply on this thread, send me a private message, or on the next URL, click send feedback.

We are looking forward to hearing more from you and are incredibly excited to see what you are going to build using these new maps.
Jorge de la Cruz
Senior Product Manager | Veeam ONE @ Veeam Software

@jorgedlcruz /
vExpert 2014-2024 / InfluxAce / Grafana Champion
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