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Create new SharePoint backup job with specific site URLs

Post by evantoledo »

Hello Veeam Community,

I'm running VBM365 v6a and looking to setup new SharePoint backup jobs. I have two management servers with associated proxy/repositories. I have one mgmt server in US and the other in UK region. Both are connected to the same MS365 ORG.

I have a need to separate the SharePoint site backup jobs to backup by the VBM365 management server within the same region as the site based on URL. I know this isn't doable using the GUI but I've seen some other type of examples that leads me to believe this may be achievable via Powershell. While I'm testing this out on my end I wanted to see if anyone has an existing script for this? I've listed an example below of what I'm attempting to end up with in two separate Sharepoint jobs running on two different mgmt servers connected to the same M365 ORG.

Many Thanks!

Example Job Requirements:
Job 1 - VBM365 UK Management Server – SharePoint site backup job to include all sites containing a site URL with https://SharepointUK. Exclude all sites containing a site URL with https://SharepointUS

Job 2 - VBM365 US Management Server – SharePoint site backup job to include all sites containing a site URL with https://SharepointUS. Exclude all sites containing a site URL with https://SharepointUK
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Re: Create new SharePoint backup job with specific site URLs

Post by Mildur »

Hi Evan

You are correct, we don't support wildcard filter for our job inclusion.
But you may use a PowerShell script to retrieve all site URLs and add them as a object to the correct job.
You may try out this script from Niels: ... WithFilter

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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Full Name: Evan Toledo

Re: Create new SharePoint backup job with specific site URLs

Post by evantoledo »

Thanks for the info, Fabian!
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