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Full Name: Richard Willkomm

Issues adding Repo+Helper in other regions

Post by ortec-RW »


We have our V4A working in one region, across multiple subscriptions. But when I try to add a new Repository that's in another region, the storageaccount is not visible. I doesn't show up. It only displays storage accounts from the same region as where my V4A appliance is deployed.

Something similar happens when I try to configure worker-VMs for another region. I select the region and the VM size, but at the networking step, there is no network shown from that reqion where I want my workers to end up in. I can only create a new network. In the region where my V4A appliance is located, I can select an existing VNET/SNET when configuring my workers.

Obviously, this sounds like a permissions (IAM) issue. The service-account that V4A uses most likely doesn't have permissions in that other region and it's subscription. But it has. The Contributer role and the Custom role (created via JSON) are also applied on the subsriptions in that other region. When re-newing the V4A service account it even dislays a list of all subscriptions where I have permissions. Still, resouces in that region are not found when configuring Repo's and Helper VMs.

What am I missing here ?
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Re: Issues adding Repo+Helper in other regions

Post by nielsengelen »

Hi Richard,

I would say a permission issue but it seems you ruled it out already. It's hard to tell from your initial info what could cause the issue as all sounds setup correctly. Did you by any means already contact our support for some better insight via logs and maybe an extra pair of eyes? If so, could you let us know the case ID and if not, could you open a case so we can figure it out?
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Full Name: Richard Willkomm

Re: Issues adding Repo+Helper in other regions

Post by ortec-RW »

I didn't create a support case yet. I assumed there was something trivial I overlooked. I hate digging through logs when the solution is much more obvious, but I simply have tunnelvision.
But since I pretty much tried everything else, I guess a support-case is the only remaining step to take.
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Re: Issues adding Repo+Helper in other regions

Post by ortec-RW »

Case created at support : #05654751
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Re: Issues adding Repo+Helper in other regions

Post by nielsengelen »

Thank you, will pass it on so it hopefully gets clarified fast.
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