We was having some woes with large (160GB+) diffs on reverse incremental speeds, so we had to switch to forward incrementals.
As a result we would have mutiple .VBK files (each over 2TB in size) of one VBK per week (14 days worth so 2 to 3 .vbks on the disk at all times).
We did not want to backup mutiple VBK files each week (duplicate backups).
The backup to tape software (legato) would not allow us to backup only the most recent .vbk (no such filter) but it would accept a input text file to point to the files to backup.
So I want to share the solution incase someone else finds them useful:
MSDOS batch file of course
Code: Select all
dir W:\Veeam\SQL\*.vbk /O-D /B /S > v:\Scripts\G7.txt
for /f "usebackq delims=;" %%a in (v:\Scripts\G7.txt) do (
echo %%a
exit /B
) > v:\scripts\Saveset-list.txt
Code: Select all
dir W:\Veeam\SQL2\*.vbk /O-D /B /S > v:\Scripts\G8.txt
for /f "usebackq delims=;" %%a in (v:\Scripts\G8.txt) do (
echo %%a
exit /b
) >> v:\scripts\Saveset-list.txt
Code: Select all
rem ###########################################
rem # SQL Group 7 #
rem ###########################################
call V:\scripts\G7.bat
rem ###########################################
rem # SQL Group 8 #
rem ###########################################
call V:\scripts\G8.cmd
- leon