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Full Name: Matheen Labeeb

Backup failing with insufficient space

Post by matheenl »

Veeam version

We have 5 identical backup daily jobs (Monday to Friday) backing up same VMs daily but the target is pointing to 5 different Esata disks.But the Veeam server can take only 3 Esata disk at a time and we will replace the disks at the middle of the week to ensure the jobs are pointing to the right target and the target disks exists. Furthermore the disks are encrypted with bitlocker for added security.
Now coming to the question, we have the Friday backup job pointing to Friday Esata disk (1.8TB capacity). This job is configured with 5 restore points and reverse incremental as backup type. This disk is almost full now with only around 8 GBs left. The last Friday backup failed because of the space issue as well. If we check on the disk we can see 3 .vbk file and 6 .vrb files (even though we set only 5 restore points) and we don’t want to delete the old .vrb file fearing that would damage the entire backup tree.
If we go and reduce the restore point to say 3 on the Friday job, will it automatically consolidate the backups freeing up space? If we do that, Will it start the consolidation process first before starting the backup? Because if it starts the backup process first, it will fail because of insufficient space on the disk.

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Full Name: Alexander Fogelson

Re: Backup failing with insufficient space

Post by foggy »

Matheen, the job will automatically delete the oldest backups according to the retention policy, but will perform this after the successful backup only.

Actually, with your retention settings this should not be happening. I would recommend to open a support case and let them investigate what happens on this disk.
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Full Name: Matheen Labeeb

Re: Backup failing with insufficient space

Post by matheenl »

Thanks for your reply Foggy
But the backup won't take place beacuse of the insufficient space and that means the old backup won't be deleted as well. Logged a call with support already
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Full Name: Matheen Labeeb

Re: Backup failing with insufficient space

Post by matheenl »

One more quick question relating to the above issue.

I have imported a backup file from the import backup option from the Veeam backup screen and pointed the backup file on the G drive (which holds all the backup and had only few kb remaining space)

After I imported the backup that G drive suddenly showed it had 8 GB free space and the C drive increased by 8 GB. When I checked under C:\VrbCatalog\index\machines folder there are folders with different VM names and Each folder has got numerous folders.

I would like to find out what are all these folders? Can I delete these folders? I have removed this backup by clicking on 'Remove from Backups' option. But the folders still reamain in C drive taking up space.
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Alexander Fogelson

Re: Backup failing with insufficient space

Post by foggy »

This folder contains guest file system index (covered in our sticky FAQ). The data in this folder is kept for the amount of months specified in the Enterprise Manager under Catalog settings. You may want to delete these folders if you do not plan to use search for VM guest OS files (you could disable it during job creation process, btw).
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