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How can i test my replication V4

Post by ady_td »

a question on testing my replications with version 4

i have veeam version 4 replicating a number of servers over a 4MbMPLS to a single host on that site. The replicaton is working well I want ot some how test the replication on the DR site. If I just start the replicated VM in an isolated netowrk and see if it boot then shut it down again will this cause any issues to the replication
will I have to start the replication all over again or will if just replicated the usual changes fronm the source to the destination again.
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Re: How can i test my replication V4

Post by Gostev »

Depends how you performed the power on test. If you created snapshot on replica to before powering it on (to protect replica VMDK from modifications), and then discarded this snapshot, then you can continue running the existing replication job. Otherwise, you will have to recreate the job from scratch (because your replica VMDK was modified by running replica VM during the testing, and is now out of sync with the source VM disks).
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