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Is there a way to replicate synthetic backup?

Post by silverfoxs »

hi, Guys:
From my understand(it could wrong), I need to create backup schedule for each vmware guest server (so I can use de-duplication function). The first backup will be full backup and future backup will be differential backup.
Is there a way I can replicate synthetic backup(first time full backup+new differential backup) to make a new full backup so I can backup this file to tape?
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Re: Is there a way to replicate synthetic backup?

Post by Gostev »

Hello, you are probably confusing us with some other vendor here. We do not do differential backups at all. Veeam Backup performs synthetic backup instead. There's good explanation of syntetic backup available on our corporate blogs: Veeam Synthetic Backup Explained

Since with synthetic backup the resulting backup file always represents full backup, you can just archive the file to the tape to achieve what you want. To automate this, you can use post-job script in the backup job settings and set it to run every backup cycle, or every N backup cycles (full backup file name never changes).

I don't understand the sentense where you are talking about deduplication. But you do not need to do anything to make deduplication work. Deduplication happens automatically and on the fly for each backup job. It will remove data blocks similar between all VMs added into your backup job, so best results can be achieved by grouping all VMs made from the same template into a single backup job.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Is there a way to replicate synthetic backup?

Post by silverfoxs »

Thanks a lot. It explains a lot of things.
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