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Re: Post Job Activity and Retry Job

Post by vnlbeheer »

Hi Foggy! The reason is that we have a crappy SAN and an Exchange 2010 DAG cluster that we don't want to run at the same time as other jobs. Same for file server backups. I want to have a certain amount of control over when they start (later in the evening, than the regular backups and preferably right after the regular backups finish). I could try with limiting the concurrent tasks, however it would be nice to be able to use the chaining of jobs, since it's a built in feature of Veeam as well.
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Re: Post Job Activity and Retry Job

Post by veremin »

If you limit proxy or repository concurrency and stage the jobs (scheduling them to run with 5 minutes interval), the jobs will be processed one by one. And, in this case, there won’t be any issues related to retry operations or whatsoever.

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[MERGED] schedule type: AFTER THIS JOB

Post by ortoscale »

Hi there,

In one of my setups i'm running scheduled jobs in AFTER THIS JOB mode. I like the functionality, but got problems when retrying some failed jobs. When retry is finished - successful or not, it also trigger all other jobs that follows. Can that be disabled somehow?

br, Matjaz
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Re: Post Job Activity and Retry Job

Post by foggy »

Matjaž, this is just one of the undesired consequences chained jobs usually introduce, that's why using them is not among our best practices. Here's an excellent post covering all of them, btw.
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