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Rep fails w/ delta-disk on more than one datastore

Post by StixForBrains »

I'm testing Veeam for replication. Did successful initial replication, and a successful 2nd replicatiion. Then took my target ESX host to the DR site. And now I'm getting the following error message while trying to do another replication pass on my exchange server.

"Unable to process VM because it has 2 or more virtual disks with delta-disks on different datastores. To process this VM, either place virtual disk files on one store, or use VCB or VDDK backup mode."

It is true that I have different disks of the exchange srv on different datastores on my source SAN. But this error makes no sense to me since I didn't change anything about how my VMDKs are located or my datastore configuration. And I've had successful repls. The only thing that changed was I moved the ESX target across the city. Even the same IP address and subnet because I have lan extension between the two locations.

Any ideas? The replication attempt just before this error message, was also a failure due to a line issue during the middle of replication sit timed out o the lost connection. Could there be some junk left behind? Although I've had failed replications before and also had the "failure to remove snapshots" message, but the next repl job in Veeam usualy removed the snapshots successfully at the stat of the next repl job.

Any ideas?
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Re: Rep fails w/ delta-disk on more than one datastore

Post by Gostev »

Hi Tony, I have not seen such error before, but I would check source VM for any existing snapshots, remove them and try replication again.
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Re: Rep fails w/ delta-disk on more than one datastore

Post by StixForBrains »

yes, after removing all snapshots it replicated fine with no error messages.
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