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B&R Continuous Replication Query

Post by royp »

Could you tell me please if I set Continuous Rep to run between 7am and 8pm,
what happens lets say if it picks up changes at 7:59pm kicks off another rep, what then happens at 8pm.

Does it let them changes be replicated and the temp veeam snapshots it created on the source be deleted as per the normal process at the end of a job and then not be allowed to start again until 7am.
Does it simply stop the job in mid flight at 8pm leaving them temp snapshots on the source and the source in an inconsistent state.

I would assume and hope its the first scenario but I would just like to know for sure from the horses mouth so to speak if you could.

Thanks very much
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Re: B&R Continuous Replication Query

Post by foggy »

Roy, the period you specify via the Schedule button affects job start time only. So if the job starts at 7:59pm, it will continue to run normally until completion (so your first assumption is correct).
If you need the job to be terminated and not overlap with production hours, for example, you need to specify the backup window using the corresponding button at the same step. But even in this case, the job will not leave any temporary snapshots and/or source VM in an inconsistent state, the snapshot will be removed.
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Re: B&R Continuous Replication Query

Post by royp »

Ok many thanks Foggy.
Just looking at the recent tasks in VCenter getting flooded out by the continuous rep job, were probably not going to run with this anyway, as it makes it tricky back tracking through all the recent tasks when the majority are for that one continuous rep job stopping and starting every few minutes as it removes the helper snapshots ends the job, then starts back up again.
Nice idea but because of the way its having to clear snapshots to restart a fresh all the time is putting a lot of over head in there and logs for us to trawl through if we had an issue with that particular vm or another vm etc.

But thanks for the really quick response foggy, we do have the full support package with Veeam, but its sometimes quicker to come on here Ive noticed to ask a quick query rather than put in an official support query.

Many thanks
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