I need to change the notification options of all my backup jobs. Globally I want all emails to a certain address, and I want all jobs configured to send only errors on last retry to a different address. I run this code and it looks like it completed successfully, but when I check the jobs in the GUI nothing has been modified. What am I doing wrong?
That works and thanks for your help, but your example doesn't look like those given here https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... l?ver=95u4. Not sure if I'm just looking in the wrong spot, or what the deal is. Either way, thanks again.
The example works, but probably a bit differently from what you've expected.
It modifies notification options template (VBRNotificationOptions object) created in the first line. It doesn't have any associations with jobs, therefore job schedule stays intact.
Also, backup, backup copy, replication jobs have notification options of different type (CDomNotificationOptions). Because of that they must be configured differently.