Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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marius roma
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From Backup to VeeamZip

Post by marius roma »

I "discovered" VeeamZip and I think it's a great tool.
I have some backups of VM not existing anymore. They use space on the storage used by Veeam B&R to save backups.
I mean, when the VM was active in vSphere I used to perform backup keeping the backup of many days.
Later I deleted the VM without deleting the backups.
Now I want to save the backups on an external storage using the minimum possible amount of space.
How can I convert the existing backups to VeeamZip or use any other tool to save the backup without losing them and free space on the storega used by Veeam B&R for backups?
Veeam Software
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Re: From Backup to VeeamZip

Post by foggy »

marius roma wrote: How can I convert the existing backups to VeeamZip or use any other tool to save the backup without losing them and free space on the storega used by Veeam B&R for backups?
Mario, not sure I'm getting you here. VeeamZIP backups are just common compressed and deduped full VBK files - the same as full backups created by regular backup jobs. So even if you could perform such a conversion, you would not get any gain in terms of free storage.

If you have a long chain of backups for some old VM but need to keep just a single full backup of it, you can take the latest VBK from the chain and remove all other files to clean up the space. Is that what are you trying to achieve?
marius roma
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Re: From Backup to VeeamZip

Post by marius roma »

foggy wrote:If you have a long chain of backups for some old VM but need to keep just a single full backup of it, you can take the latest VBK from the chain and remove all other files to clean up the space. Is that what are you trying to achieve?
Do you mean I can go to the folder where the backup of a given VM is saved and delete all the files older than the latest .vbk file and just keep the latest .vbk files and the following .vib files?

At that point, can I just zip the latest .vbk file and the following .vib files and save them in a different place in case I need the the VM in the future?

It sounds great...

Veeam Software
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Full Name: Alexander Fogelson

Re: From Backup to VeeamZip

Post by foggy »

marius roma wrote:Do you mean I can go to the folder where the backup of a given VM is saved and delete all the files older than the latest .vbk file and just keep the latest .vbk files and the following .vib files?
Correct, but do not forget to test this backup to be sure in it.
marius roma wrote:At that point, can I just zip the latest .vbk file and the following .vib files and save them in a different place in case I need the the VM in the future?
Yes, in case you need to restore this VM, you can just import this backup into Veeam B&R console or use a standalone extract.exe utility that comes with every installation. Note, that you will not get much from zipping the backup as it is most likely already compressed by Veeam B&R.
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