Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Surebackup test after every backup

Post by srebucci »

we are evaluating B&R version 5.0.2; during the trial we have created a lot of backup jobs, one for each virtual machine we run because the compression and deduplication it's very good and the disk space it's not a problem (we have a big DAS).

We would like to test each backup as soon the backup it's performed: it's necessary to create a SureBackup job for each backup job or there's a flag in the backup job that automatically setup the backup's "SureBackup testing" for the current job?

We read about this feature in the white papers but we unable to find the right flag. We have already performed a single SureBackup job for a test machine and it works very well but it will be very time consuming to setup a single job for every machine. Besides it would difficult to schedule it after the job because every time the job could end at a different hour ('cause we have added a lot of data on the machine or the network run slower than the previous run).

I hope to have simply missed the flag because with that automation this product would be perfect for our company.

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Re: Surebackup test after every backup

Post by Gostev »

Hi Simone, you can create a single SureBackup job, and link all your existing backup jobs to it. For more information on setting up bulk VM recovery testing using linked backup jobs, please review sticky FAQ topic. Thanks.
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Re: Surebackup test after every backup

Post by srebucci »

Hi Gostev, I linked the backup on the SureBackup job and I started the backup as I've seen in the video linked into the Faqs but after the backup runs the SureBackup job didn't start. What I've missed?
Alexey D.

Re: Surebackup test after every backup

Post by Alexey D. »

Simone, are you sure all linked backup jobs completed at that time?
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Re: Surebackup test after every backup

Post by srebucci »

Yes absolutely. I have only on machine (a linux machine created just for testing your software) and it's the only one I've linked to the SureBackup job. I launch the backup, it completed correctly (I receive the success email) but the linked SureBackup job simply doesn't start. If I start it manually it run correctly (create the machine, ping it, heartbeat it and send me the success email). I'm enthusiast about your product and I'm sure I've do something wrong but I can't figure out where the problem is.
Alexey D.

Re: Surebackup test after every backup

Post by Alexey D. »

That's strange. Normally, it starts automatically, but I have a feeling it's just waiting for something to complete. Please contact our support as we need your log file to continue investigation.
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Re: Surebackup test after every backup

Post by Gostev »

srebucci wrote:I have only on machine (a linux machine created just for testing your software) and it's the only one I've linked to the SureBackup job.
You really cannot "link a VM" to a SureBackup job, there is no such functionality. You can add application group to a SureBackup job, but "linking" is only supported for actual backup jobs (not individual VMs or application groups).

Based on what you say, I am guessing you are referring to application group above when saying that you "linked" a single VM to your SureBackup job. But, in order to setup automated bulk testing of all VMs in your backup jobs (what you want), you need to be using different SureBackup job option called "Link to backup jobs" (there is dedicated page for this in SureBackup job wizard). In that case, all VMs from linked backup jobs will be processed automatically by SureBackup job, one by one.

Additionally, sounds like you do not have your application group setup properly anyway, if you only have Linux server there. What you want to have there instead for recovery verification to work properly, is things like domain controller and DNS server (in other words, core infrastructure services).

Have you had a chance to review sticky FAQ topic, and the User Guide for some SureBackup basics? Because all of this is explained in great details there. Actually, this is also well explained in the UI itself (on the SureBackup node dashboard).

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Re: Surebackup test after every backup

Post by srebucci »

Hi Gostev, thank you for the fast & exhaustive answer. I'm sorry but I have explained it well.

I've create no application group and I've linked the backup to it.
These are the parameters I've set

1st Wizard Window
Name SureBackup Job 2

2nd Wizard Window
Virtual Lab Virtual Lab Test

3rd Wizard Window
Application Group No Application Group

4th Wizard Window
Flag Link Backups Flagged
Add... Added the backup named "iristestthebackup"

5th Wizard Window
My Email

6th Wizard Window
Run the job automatically Not flagged

In the list of the SureBackup the backup linked appears in the list.

The linux machine doesn't need DNS or domain controller because it has a fixed IP. As I said in my last post, the only thing that doesn't work it the automation
Backup -> SureBackup check. If I launch the single Backup it works. If I launch the SureBackup job it works.

Thank you for your time,
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Re: Surebackup test after every backup

Post by Gostev »

srebucci wrote:the only thing that doesn't work it the automation Backup -> SureBackup check
Hi Simone, such configuration is not possible. We decisively split backup and SureBackup activities, otherwise backup verification would affect backup window. Plus, since many application are dependant on applications running in another VMs, you want to have all backups completed for all VMs before proceeding to verification. Rememeber, SureBackup cannot be compared with a simple image integrity check, which is quite self-contained activity... actually, I can see now where your thinking is coming from most probably - you have used to that with legacy backup apps where such integrity check was a part of the actual backup job, and expected to see the same for SureBackup.

To achieve automation with SureBackup, you need to schedule your SureBackup job for certain time (after your backups are completed), and it will run automatically. If some linked backup jobs are still running, SureBackup will wait for up to amount of time specified in its scheduling options.
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Re: Surebackup test after every backup

Post by srebucci »

Hi Gostev. I'm very to finally found a product like this one and a community so active. No problem, I've misunderstood the video and I've thought that the Surebackup start automatically after the job. You are right it's better have a different window for the SureBackup check, maybe during daytime.

Thank you for all your time and patience: now it's time to call my boss and ask him for the money. I MUST have B&R as soon as possible.
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Full Name: Denis Mermod

Re: Surebackup test after every backup

Post by DMermod »

Is there a way to initiate a SureBackup job to run immediately after a Backup Job completes with the Post-Script option? If so, is there a sample script I could use/customize for my environment?


Vitaliy S.
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Re: Surebackup test after every backup

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hello Denis,

Yes, sure you can do that.

Please take a look at this example how to initiate a SB job with PowerShell: Working with cmdlets, calling them from a Windows task.

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How to run SureBackup after a backup job completed?

Post by leiw »



I'm testing it on v6, could someone tell me how to config to run SureBackup automatically after a backup job completed ?

Thanks !
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