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Full Name: Felix

Feature Request: Provide Option in FLR Wizard to Allow User to auto-disable & enable back SELinux during Restoration

Post by felixasiapac »

In Case # 06186915 (Restore option was greyed out on two instances during FLR with additional restore mode), we observed that FLR to the same location would not work when selinux was active/enabled

There is no warning nor error explaining on why the restore option is unavailable, and from the feedback from tech support, there is also no plan from Veeam to overcome this SELinux behaviour.

Since users need to take note and disable the selinux during restoration, this process is manual and prone to human error.

Can Veeam consider to provide option in the FLR wizard in its future release to allow user to automatically disable and enable back the selinux during restoration?

Thank you.
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Re: Feature Request: Provide Option in FLR Wizard to Allow User to auto-disable & enable back SELinux during Restoration

Post by nielsengelen »

Hi Felix,

We will re-evaluate this behavior in the future and see what we can do to improve the whole experience.

Thank you for the request.
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