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Replication to On-Prem or other cloud

Post by dimaslan »

We have a customer asking us to do DR for their three AWS Windows VMs to another cloud or on-premises. So the Disaster Recovery within AWS itself is not an option for them.
I checked documentation for the Veeam for AWS and was not able to find whether replication from AWS to on-prem or say Azure is feasible.
Can anyone provide any info?
I thought maybe Veeam agent for Windows and point it to our own vmware infrastructure and use those backups to virtualize there if needed but that is not actual Disaster Recovery with VMs ready-to-go, rather offsite backups.

Thank you.
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Full Name: Wesley Martins Silva

Re: Replication to On-Prem or other cloud

Post by wesmrt » 1 person likes this post

Veeam doesn't do this type of replication between Cloud -> Cloud or Cloud -> On-premises.

You could create a backup for this instance (with Veeam Backup for AWS or Veeam Agent using Cloud Agents) and then restore to on-premises with Instant Recovery. But it's not a replication, in this case the backup will be ready to restore if needed.
Senior Engineer - Public Cloud @ Veeam Support
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