Agentless, cloud-native backup for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
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Full Name: Venkatesh Gutta

Worker node tagging

Post by venkatesh-gutta »

Ref: Veeam Support Case 05785585
We have a single VB4AWS appliance that is used to backup EC2 instances from multiple AWS accounts with no issues. All the VBA_worker nodes spawn up within the AWS account that houses the VB4AWS appliance. Is it possible to tag each of those worker nodes uniquely by the name of the backup policy (which in our case refers back to the AWS account)? That would help us easily identify the worker node for the job that has backup issues. Is it also possible through the Swagger API to overwrite any existing AWS tag values on the worker nodes? I currently only see net new tag key's values being applied. Please include this functionality within the API or a even better within the GUI itself.
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Full Name: Niels Engelen

Re: Worker node tagging

Post by nielsengelen »


We currently support worker tagging via the REST API.

This is a global setting currently and specific tags per policy is not possible. It's something we have on our longer roadmap but no ETA for now so your vote/request is counted for. Thanks!
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