Backup of enterprise applications (Microsoft stack, IBM Db2, MongoDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SAP)
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Full Name: Jesse Granden

[Feature Request] MSSql Plugin - MSSQLRecoveryManager.exe should support alternate configurations

Post by JGranden » 3 people like this post

Consider the following:
  1. Large Enterprise environment w/ 100's of SQL Servers
  2. Multiple Vbr servers, each handling a subset of the SQL Servers
  3. Dedicated SQL Server instance(s) for daily restore/CHECKDB testing.
The "veeam_config.xml" can only be pointed to a single VBR host. This is problematic for restore testing as you have to know which VBR host is holding the relevant backups and then you have to update the config to point to that specific host.

Since the config is "global", multiple concurrent restores targeting potentially different VBR hosts is a disaster waiting to happen.

Some options:
  • support multiple named profiles in the config tool and add a -VbrProfile to select at restore time.
  • add a -configFile argument and user is responsible for generating/copying config files (not ideal, but 100% workable)
Our current workaround is to make a copy of the "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Plugins\Microsoft SQL" directory for each VbrHost before attempting a restore and run the config tool to point that copy to the correct location. This seems to work reliably.

Powershell script to setup a new Vbr host:

Code: Select all

# VeeamAddVbrServer.ps1 
# - Copies the Veeam executable directory and updates config. 
    [string]$vbrHost, # fqdn

$srcFolder = "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Plugins\Microsoft SQL\"
$targetFolder= "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Plugins\Microsoft SQL_$($vbrHost.split(".")[0])"

if(-Not (Test-Path $targetFolder) -or $force)
    Write-output "Copying Veeam to [$targetFolder] "
    Copy-Item -Path $srcFolder -Destination $targetFolder -Recurse -Force
    Write-output "Updating Veeam configuration in [$targetFolder] "
    . "$targetFolder\MSSQLConfigTool.exe" --set-host $vbrHost
    Write-output "[$targetFolder] exists."
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Petr Makarov
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Re: [Feature Request] MSSql Plugin - MSSQLRecoveryManager.exe should support alternate configurations

Post by PetrM »

Hi Jesse,

Many thanks for the feature request and for sharing the workaround!! Your idea is noted but I'm not ready to discuss ETA, it depends on various factors including the number of similar requests.

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