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Veeam email messages for SQL errors not helpful-looking for a solution

Post by BassFisherdba »

The Veeam email messages we are getting are less than useful. The errors and warnings under details do not always correspond to the information farther down in the email.

Many of the messages are a day old which does not help at all. Some show an error in the details part, but in the lower part of the email where it shows a time line nothing is there.

Is there a way to get Veeam error messages to be sent out in a timely fashion and be adjusted so they are useful?

I'll be digging into the Veeam SQL dB to see if it has a log of the error messages. This information may also be on the application server.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Veeam email messages for SQL errors not helpful-looking for a solution

Post by PetrM »

Hi Mark and Welcome to Veeam R&D Forums!

I'm always up to improving our reporting system! :)

On the other hand, I cannot help you with this request unless I have specific examples. Could you please provide me with a couple of examples and:
1. The text of the error message (which is useless from your point of view)
2. The cause of the error message from your point of view or according to the conclusion of our support

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Re: Veeam email messages for SQL errors not helpful-looking for a solution

Post by BassFisherdba »

As far as support, I leave that to another group. I found that a support request means I spend a lot of time collecting logs and other things only not to get any real resolution.

We have had meeting with Veeam support and we usually get "I'm not a SQL guy, I don't really know the SQL aspect of Veeam very well." That doesn't do me any good. I only had one (1) really knowledgeable person, but he was the manager and didn't really do support calls.

I'll post error messages in a bit, have to clean them up first.
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Re: Veeam email messages for SQL errors not helpful-looking for a solution

Post by PetrM »

Hi Mark,

As explained here, it's not a support forum and we cannot troubleshoot technical issues effectively over the forum posts. You need to work on technical issues with the support team. I asked you to paste a couple of examples just to discuss your ideas for potential improvements of our messaging.

However, based on this:
"I'm not a SQL guy, I don't really know the SQL aspect of Veeam very well."
I would like to get the support case ID so that I can discuss it with the support management and probably escalate your case. At first glance, this answer seems to be unacceptable and I'm surprised to know that you got such an answer.

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Re: Veeam email messages for SQL errors not helpful-looking for a solution

Post by BassFisherdba »

Here are some of the error messages we are getting from Veeam.

-Collected SQL Server transaction logs do not match any existing database backup:
-The SQL Server machine hosting the configuration database is currently unavailable. Possible reasons are a network connectivity issue, server reboot, heavy load or hot backup. Please try again later. Error: The wait operation timed out
-SQL Server transaction log backup took longer than desired log backup interval
-Error: VSSControl: -2147467259 Backup job failed. Cannot create a shadow copy of the volumes containing writer's data. VSS asynchronous operation is not completed. Operation: [Shadow copies commit]. Code: [0x8004231f].
-Failed to prepare guest for hot backup. Error: VSSControl: -2147467259 Backup job failed. Cannot create a shadow copy of the volumes containing writer's data. VSS asynchronous operation is not completed. Operation: [Shadow copies commit]. Code: [0x8004231f].

If anyone knows the location of the messages in the Veeam SQL dB, It would be great. I've been going through table data to find messages.
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Re: Veeam email messages for SQL errors not helpful-looking for a solution

Post by PetrM »

Hi Mark,

Many thanks for the provided info but what would you like to improve? The best action plan is to create a support case for every message and work with our support team. Also, you can always request an escalation of your support request if you're not satisfied with how troubleshooting goes. You may also share a support case ID over here so that we can keep an eye on it.

-Collected SQL Server transaction logs do not match any existing database backup:
Maybe there is a new database but image-level backups are not created yet. The message should disappear after the parent job run, if not, please create a support case.

-The SQL Server machine hosting the configuration database is currently unavailable. Possible reasons are a network connectivity issue, server reboot, heavy load, or hot backup. Please try again later. Error: The wait operation timed out
This one is not related to the T-log backup, it indicates the performance issue with Veeam configuration database. You need to monitor performance of the SQL server on which Veeam configuration database is running. I recommend creating one more support case for it.

-SQL Server transaction log backup took longer than the desired log backup interval
For some reason, log backup did not fit the configured interval. Many different causes can make this message occur. The exact root cause must be identified based on debug logs analysis and such troubleshooting must be carried out by our support. The purpose of the message is to inform you about the issue so that you can start troubleshooting.

-Error: VSSControl: -2147467259 Backup job failed. Cannot create a shadow copy of the volumes containing writer's data. VSS asynchronous operation is not completed. Operation: [Shadow copies commit]. Code: [0x8004231f].
The same as the previous one: a technical issue related to the shadow copy creation process. You need to test VSS framework, check VSS writers state, and examine debug logs with our support to find out the root cause.

-Failed to prepare guest for hot backup. Error: VSSControl: -2147467259 Backup job failed. Cannot create a shadow copy of the volumes containing writer's data. VSS asynchronous operation is not completed. Operation: [Shadow copies commit]. Code: [0x8004231f].
The same as the previous one.

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Re: Veeam email messages for SQL errors not helpful-looking for a solution

Post by BassFisherdba » 1 person likes this post

We are having a meeting with Veeam support tomorrow (hopefully) to find out why we are getting so many errors.

Thanks for the info.

I have other questions, but this isn't the correct forum.
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