Business categorization for your virtual environment
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Markus M.
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Category based on AD attributes

Post by Markus M. »


I am trying to create a category for VMs with Linux-OS installed.
The VMs all running under Hyper-V, most of them are virtual appliances where no root access is granted to us.
Some of them do not propagate proper OS information to the hypervisor (VMOSName, VMOSVersion), so all efforts to do it via VM attributes will return an incomplete collection.
Looking at the options when building a category in business view, I wonder if there is a way to use Active Directory attributes of a VM to build such expression?
The AD attribute "OperatingSystem" can be edited manually, so a query against this would be at least a workaround.
Or did I miss any other option for this?

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Full Name: Jorge de la Cruz

Re: Category based on AD attributes

Post by jorgedlcruz »

I have asked internally, but I do not think our Business View can query the AD to get the information. As we tend to use either the Hypervisor, or some VBR parameters to do Business view. If you try to create a new category, and use the based on custom attributes, the list is very long, you might try:
  • By backup job (in the unlikely case that all those appliances are under a single job, or a few jobs called, MYAPPLIANCES-LINUX, example.
  • Or maybe Custom attribute I can see for VMware vSphere
  • Or if you have already a Tag, this is vSphere but Hyper-V should have something similar

Let us know if this is enough.

Thank you
Jorge de la Cruz
Senior Product Manager | Veeam ONE @ Veeam Software

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Markus M.
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Re: Category based on AD attributes

Post by Markus M. »


I cannot use the option with the backup, there is no such grouping in Veeam B&R.

Since the VM is running under Hyper-V and no SCVMM is present, I found the following option for a VM-tagging:
There is a "note" field in VM configuration of each VM I could use for marking the VM with a tag:

(get-vm -Name "XYZ").Notes
(the value of the note is "Linux-VM")

Under the category configuration, I use "Grouping expression" and entered: CustomProperty("Linux-VM") - which is not working.
So the expression should do something like "lookup field Notes on each VM", but I couldn't find anything related in Veeam ONE documentation.
So any help is highly appreciated.

Veeam Software
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Re: Category based on AD attributes

Post by jorgedlcruz »

I am afraid that if you don't have SCVMM, then you will not be able to specify custom property for such machines.

The easiest option would be to add some prefix like "lin" or "win" to all VM names and categorize VMs by them. If you don't have that option either, you can use "manual selection" and manually add machines to the group.

Thank you!
Jorge de la Cruz
Senior Product Manager | Veeam ONE @ Veeam Software

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Markus M.
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Re: Category based on AD attributes

Post by Markus M. » 1 person likes this post


I wasn't aware about the manual option, so I took this one.
Not very sophisticated, but it works for my needs. (using this collection in a alarm management configuration)

Thanks for help!
Veeam Software
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Re: Category based on AD attributes

Post by jorgedlcruz »

That sounds nice, not very automated. But I am suspecting the number of virtual appliances Linux doesn't change much, or very often.

Have a great day Markus!
Jorge de la Cruz
Senior Product Manager | Veeam ONE @ Veeam Software

@jorgedlcruz /
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