Business categorization for your virtual environment
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Full Name: Mark Liechty

Unable to delete a group

Post by mlaccs »

Think I my be going nuts... figure you guys can confirm.

My goal is to delete a couple of categories that we decided we are not using. To delete the Category I need to delete all the groups in it ... fair enough.

But whenever I try to delete a group I get the following message "Group 'phil' is in use by the following rules: Manual" I assume "Manual is the default when we are not using named rules. I get this for groups that have nothing using them. I will have a problem when I get to the last group in a category as it does not look like I can make and item "uncategorized" once it is in use.

Any ideas?
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Unable to delete a group

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hello Mark,

Do you possible use manual categorization for your virtual objects? Could you please navigate to Workspace tab and double-check if you have any objects that belong to "Phil" group?

Thank you !
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Re: Unable to delete a group

Post by jbma »

I have the same problem. I do have some vms that have been manually categorized, but I am unable to change them back to uncategorized in the workspace. I can open the details for the vm and change the categories, but when I save, no changes are actually done.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Unable to delete a group

Post by Vitaliy S. »

You need to contact our technical team directly for assistance with this, as I haven't heard about this issue before.
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Re: Unable to delete a group

Post by jbma »

I've now moved all vms into a "N/A" option in the category I want to delete, but still I can not delete the other options. It still says the option is in use by the Manual rule
Alexey D.

Re: Unable to delete a group

Post by Alexey D. »

Please send the logs to our support team - they will figure out what's wrong and will help you. Thanks!
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Full Name: Alexandru Ilie

How to delete a group

Post by alex_ilie »


Hi. I have assigned some VMs in a group defined as static. How can I delete the group? I have tried the ''normal'' way but it sais that the group ''Is in use by the following rules:Manual''. I have tried to remove the vms first but i did not manage. How can this be done? Thank you!
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Unable to delete a group

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hi Alexandru,

If removing VMs through the "Workspace" tab doesn't help, please drop an email to our support team for further assistance. Thanks.
Jonathan L
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Re: Unable to delete a group

Post by Jonathan L »

Hey Everyone,

Here is a KB referencing this issue.

Please let us know your thoughts on the KB, as Veeam is always striving to improve. If it doesn't resolve your issue, create a ticket through our support team for further assistance.
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