Backup of NAS, file shares, file servers and object storage.
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About Veeam Schedule Feature for NAS File Share Backup

Post by jhonatanwick12 »

I'd like to ask some question about file share backup. So my scenario is to full backup every first day of the month and do differential backup every sunday. But, because file share backup only take full backup on the first backup and do the differential backup forever as long the job still going so i think to fullfil my scenario backup i make the backup job periodically. I make a job for 1 month and delete that job and make new job again. So the scenario is fullfiled because for 1 month i have 1 full backup and differential backup on every sunday. But the problem is job scheduler can't schedule the job only run for the month i want. For monthly backup options can't fullfil my scenario too because only have option for exact day i want the backup job run and only run once/month. Any idea about this issue or if you guys have a better approach for my issue will be so much appreciated.

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Re: About Veeam Schedule Feature for NAS File Share Backup

Post by haslund » 1 person likes this post

Generally speaking, there is no need for periodical full backups when it comes to file share/NAS backups, because each backup of a file is a full backup unlike virtual machine backups for example. Is there some business reason behind the additional monthly full backup?
Rasmus Haslund | Twitter: @haslund | Blog:
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Re: About Veeam Schedule Feature for NAS File Share Backup

Post by jhonatanwick12 »

I think i got the misleading information about how file share/NAS backup works. What i know is the first backup is full backup and the next is differential but as you said before does it really always take the full backup?
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Re: About Veeam Schedule Feature for NAS File Share Backup

Post by jhonatanwick12 »

I read the documentation about how nas/file share backup works from this link: ... ml?ver=120

Said the key to read data changes from file shares is CRC. When cache repo receives a new CRC structure, it compares the new to the last CRC structure and if any files or folders of the file share have changed since the previous backup session run, the cache repository instructs the backup proxy to start reading changed data from the source file share and send it to backup repo. So the sent data is only the changed or the whole data?
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