Backup of NAS, file shares, file servers and object storage.
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Full Name: Ryan Drake

Backing up Large Clustered File Share with millions of small files

Post by ntjax »

Good morning,

We are looking to switch from Backup Exec to Veeam due to issues we are having backing up a 13 TB file share with two Windows VMs acting in a cluster. The catch is, there are millions of files in various subfolders here so its taking a long time. We were reading you can back these up with the agent based back ups but am concerned we would have the same problems Backup Exec is having, due to, what we suspect, is the file shares that contain so many small files and having to check each one via the file system as opposed to doing the block style backup changes that the Host based backups do?

Or would the way to go here be to use the NAS based backups?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated....Thanks in advance!
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Full Name: Ryan Drake

Re: Backing up Large Clustered File Share with millions of small files

Post by ntjax »

Also, maybe we could use "Direct SAN access" to speed this up somehow? The problem is the file share is presented to the OS as a CSV since its clustered.
Andreas Neufert
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Re: Backing up Large Clustered File Share with millions of small files

Post by Andreas Neufert »

Hi Ryan,
please have a look at our NAS backup that was exactly build for this backup methods (backup of huge number of files).
We have implemented a special way to compare things that is very unique and scales well into the billion files area.
Suggest to give it a try as it is simple to setup in a POC. ... ml?ver=110
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