Backup of NAS, file shares, file servers and object storage.
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Licensing and NAS

Post by matteu »


I would like to better understand how it work exactly.
If I have a NAS filer I backup some volume like 3To.

1) I move lot's of files from folder to other, like 1To. Does I need 4To to be licensed ? How veeam exactly work about it.

2) I create new job and backup exactly the same 3To. Do I need 6 To (3 + 3 ) or because it's the same data, I just need 3 ?

3) If 2 needs 6To licensed, how can I come back to a normal situation with 3To needed. Just remove backup data or is there an other solution ?
Dima P.
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Re: Licensing and NAS

Post by Dima P. »

Hello matteu,
If I have a NAS filer I backup some volume like 3To
To stands for... TB as Terabyte, right? :D
1) I move lot's of files from folder to other, like 1To. Does I need 4To to be licensed ? How veeam exactly work about it.
If the data is moved within the share set a source then you are still backing up 3TB.
2) I create new job and backup exactly the same 3To. Do I need 6 To (3 + 3 ) or because it's the same data, I just need 3 ?
There is no logic to match the data processed within different jobs, so your case is going to consume double amount of licenses i.e. 3TB + 3TB.
3) If 2 needs 6To licensed, how can I come back to a normal situation with 3To needed. Just remove backup data or is there an other solution ?
Remove the unwanted backup file and corresponding backup job, then revoke the license in the licensing control of the Veeam B&R. Last will release consumed capacity and trigger the license recalculation during the next job run. Thank you!
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Re: Licensing and NAS

Post by matteu »

Yes sorry I need to explain more .
To = TB yes.

1) I move lot's of files from folder to other, like 1To. Does I need 4To to be licensed ? How veeam exactly work about it.

=> I mean, if I select a share inside my backup job but I move the data from 1 share to a new one created and added to backup job. That mean I backup the same data but on new location, this will need to licenced x 2 ? One for the existing backup until the retention, and one from the new place ?

2) I create new job and backup exactly the same 3To. Do I need 6 To (3 + 3 ) or because it's the same data, I just need 3 ?

=> The logic is when you move data from different SVM / share because you reorganize data. It's not about "permanent" but for some time, you will have data in 2 differents places. It's the issue I have in an existing customer, he is moving lot's of data from some share to new one, and licensing needed is really higher now.

3) Thanks for the answer, I think this is exactly how to solve the issue :)
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Re: Licensing and NAS

Post by Gostev »

It does not matter what you do with files in the protected share, if you move them around, if it's the same or different data - so for simplicity, you can just drop all these irrelevant aspects in your examples not to confuse yourself.

The licensing is really, really simple: literally the only thing we look at is the maximum value of total size of all files in the protected file share (or folder) across the trailing 30 days. The license will be consumed according to this "high watermark" value. That's it, and nothing else matters!
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Re: Licensing and NAS

Post by matteu »

I agree with you but if I update my job to backup no share but svm now, the data are the same but veeam will consider they are different right ?

I need to know all thèse answer because it what customer ask me and it s better if I can answer them... it not really precise how it works...

What I need to keep on it is when you perform lots of migration just need to revoke thé instance for veeam to calculate it again
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Re: Licensing and NAS

Post by Dima P. » 1 person likes this post

I agree with you but if I update my job to backup no share but svm now, the data are the same but veeam will consider they are different right ?
Consumption is aggregated per 'root' object added to the inventory. Whenever you add SMB, NFS shares, specific folder or a file server the job will create the mentioned watermark for such root object in the job.
What I need to keep on it is when you perform lots of migration just need to revoke thé instance for veeam to calculate it again
You can always remove the job, backup and then revoke the license, this will force the consumption recalculation.
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Re: Licensing and NAS

Post by matteu »

Thanks for your answer.

I'm sorry but I'm not sure to understand. Let's take a real example.
I have a Netapp NAS : Netapp1
I have 2 SVM : SVM1 + SVM2
I have 2 Share : Share1 + Share2

Share1 is on SVM1
Share2 is on SVM2

I add the Netapp as NAS filer.
I create a backup job NAS and select SVM1 + SVM2.
I execute the job.
Then, I update the job and replace SVM1 to Share1.
This will perform a new "full" ?
That means I will have all the same data twice in the repository.

Does this mean I will need 2 x instances ? Because licensing is based on the data volume you backup if I understand it correctly.

I just would like to understand if it's yes or no :)

Thanks for your answer.
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Re: Licensing and NAS

Post by Dima P. »

Capacity within the job is aggregated to the top level object which is your storage device, so whenever you move the share from one volume to another it does not affect the license consumption. Thank you!
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Re: Licensing and NAS

Post by matteu »

Thanks for your answer.

That means the licence cannot exceed the total capacity of my storage on the job right ?
It doesn't matter if I move data.

Last question : Does it means if I have 50To filer but I backup only 20To it will consume 50To or only backuped data need to be licensed ?

Dima P.
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Re: Licensing and NAS

Post by Dima P. »

Hello matteu,

Please review this article, all the examples are here: Instance Consumption for Object Storage Backup, File Backup and File to Tape Jobs
That means the licence cannot exceed the total capacity of my storage on the job right ? It doesn't matter if I move data.
In the case you've described it cannot.
Last question : Does it means if I have 50To filer but I backup only 20To it will consume 50To or only backuped data need to be licensed ?
It will consume based on the amount of protected data (total size of objects protected by the job), not the size of your entire storage. Thanks!
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Re: Licensing and NAS

Post by matteu » 1 person likes this post

Wow this link is perfect !
Exactly what I needed. Sorry to not look at documentation to find it !

Thanks for all your answer :)
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