Backup of NAS, file shares, file servers and object storage.
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Yusuke Fujita(Climb)
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NAS Backup Retention Period Limitations in the User Guide

Post by Yusuke Fujita(Climb) »

I have a question about the NAS backup retention period limitation listed in the user guide below. ... ml?ver=120
Set the retention period for the immutable object storage repository up to 14 days.

The user guide states that retention periods should be limited to a maximum of 14 days, as described above, and that exceeding this limit will result in excessive object storage usage costs.

I have a customer who wants to keep NAS backup data on object storage for 30 days.
In such a case, it is too inconvenient to not be able to store backups more than 14 days due to the above limitation.

Also, the example NAS backup scenario in the user guide includes an example with a retention period of 30 days, which is inconsistent with this limitation. ... 20#case_8

I am wondering if this is a misprint of the immutability period rather than the retention period.

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Re: NAS Backup Retention Period Limitations in the User Guide

Post by david.domask »

Hi Yusuke, welcome to the forums.

> Otherwise, the unstructured data backup may consume too much storage space.

This is the key part of the warning -- you _can_ do it, but you need to accommodate for additional space which can be difficult to predict given that it's based on the change rate and file versions. So it can be done, the warning there is just noting that it will likely result in additional storage requirements.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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Re: NAS Backup Retention Period Limitations in the User Guide

Post by gingerdazza »

14 days?! Surely most backups are kept for longer than 14 days! What sort of limitation is this?? Surely this isn't correct? I'm not understanding even why this would cause "unstructured data backup may consume excessive storage space" - can someone explain?
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Re: NAS Backup Retention Period Limitations in the User Guide

Post by gingerdazza »

Can the NAS backup not just be a very long forward incremental, with a full line of small increments for (say) 1 year? Why would this "consume excessive storage space"??
Dima P.
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Re: NAS Backup Retention Period Limitations in the User Guide

Post by Dima P. » 1 person likes this post

Set the retention period for the immutable object storage repository up to 14 days.
That's incorrect and will be fixed. This is a recommended value of immutability period for NAS backup jobs not longer than two weeks.
I'm not understanding even why this would cause "unstructured data backup may consume excessive storage space" - can someone explain?
Simply put immutability value adds the time to the set retention while the data remains on the repository, so with Unstructured Data Backup jobs you must consider not only the immutability value set on the repository but your job retention too. Please take a look at this scenario for more details.
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