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Netapp administrative share exclusion

Post by matteu »


My customer has all his share with $ at the end. I configure veeam to backup as NAS filer and select the entire SVM on my job.
I had to add the registry key to backup all the hidden share and I have error for admin$,ipc$ ans c$. I don't want to backup the root volume contening these share because there are no data on it.
Is there a solution ?

Can I use the exclusion button on the backup job and if yes, what would be the exact syntax ? Do I have an other way to fix that ?

Thanks for your answer.
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Re: Netapp administrative share exclusion

Post by Mildur »

Hi Matteu
an I use the exclusion button on the backup job and if yes, what would be the exact syntax ?
Have you tried to exclude the three hidden shares? Do you see an error?
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Re: Netapp administrative share exclusion

Post by matteu »

Thanks for your answer but unfortunately it's not working.
I find the documentation here : ... ml?ver=110

"You cannot exclude a whole file share from processing if the storage system, where file shares reside, is added to Veeam Backup & Replication as a NAS filer.
As a workaround, you can exclude the volume(s) in the Access Options of the NAS filer itself."

After I go to storage integration tab and edit my storage array to exclude root volume, it's working as I want :)
I see the administratives shares on the nas job when I select the SVM but when the job is executed, the administratives shares are not processed :)

Perfect !
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Re: Netapp administrative share exclusion

Post by Dima P. » 1 person likes this post

Hello folks,

We will enhance the exclusion logic in v12 and it will be possible to exclude only system hidden shares (while the custom hidden shares will be processed). Thank you!
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Re: Netapp administrative share exclusion

Post by matteu » 1 person likes this post


Thank you for your answer :)
Good to know it for v12 !
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