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Veeam SMB Restore creating another Folder with same Name

Post by burhanafridi603 »

Hello Everyone;

I have a small issue regarding restoring smb share to another location.

I have smb share backup in which there are 2 folder by the name of FolderA and FolderB

I am restoring these smb to another SMB Location which also have 2 same folder ( FolderA and FolderB )

But when I am restoring it is not replacing the folder but instead it is creating another folder such as FolderA_1 and FolderB_1, what i want is to completely replace the folder if it exist in the destination folder.

I need help in this matter.
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Re: Veeam SMB Restore creating another Folder with same Name

Post by HannesK »

yes, "copy to" does not have "overwrite". If there is a "collision", then the new folder gets a _(1) suffix.

Moving the folder manually (for example with the Windows explorer) afterwards would be the workaround.

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Re: Veeam SMB Restore creating another Folder with same Name

Post by burhanafridi603 »

Yes i know this, but the thing is i have 200 GB of data, i dont want to copy it again and again
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Re: Veeam SMB Restore creating another Folder with same Name

Post by HannesK »

"move" (aka CTRL + x and then CTRL + v) does not copy again and again as far as I see. Did you see another "copy"? If yes, what NAS system do you use and which SMB protocol version?
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