Host-based backup of KVM-based VMs (Red Hat Virtualization, Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager and Proxmox VE)
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restore trough network different than ovirt_mgmt

Post by pavbore »

this isn't support question, it is more question regarding Veeam for RHV architecture. In short, is there taken in account situation, where backups and (especially) restores are carried out trough other network, than central ovirt_mgmt one?

we have rhv setup with dedicated physical network for performing backups, different to one used for management of virtualization.
And backup proxy is deployed so, that it has only this backup network available. All hypervizors and virtualization management engine has access to both of these networks.
Problem we have is, that during restore (backup works just fine), in phase where restore job calls curl to fill restored vm's disks with data, it asks virtualization management engine via API for target hypervizor IP address and gets that address from management network instead from backup one.
Unfortunately, preferred network functions of veeam backup server ( ... works-4139) is not supported for rhv virtualization plugin.
Is there possible to somehow set rhv proxy so, it will ask for address from backup network from virtualization management engine (or at least to define these addresses/network in some configuration manually) - thus directing to right network?

Veeam Software
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Full Name: Rovshan Pashayev
Location: Czechia

Re: restore trough network different than ovirt_mgmt

Post by rovshan.pashayev »


Currently, there is no feature for selecting a preferred network or prioritizing one network over another during RHV backup. We are actively working on enhancing this capability, so stay tuned for upcoming releases of VB for RHV.

Rovshan Pashayev
Veeam Agent for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris
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