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Assign tag automatically on VBA instances

Post by brodavdoug »

Hello all,

My problem is that I have set some Azure policies to check if all my virtual machines are under backup but of course all machines VBA-xxxx created by Veeam don't need this and should be exclude.
So I create a tag named "No_Backup = yes" for such machines to be exclude of this policy.

I also created a script to auto assign the tag on all VMs starting with "VBA" in the "Veeam Backup Appliance Resource group"

Here is my script :
$tags = @{"No_Backup"="Yes"}

$RID = Get-Azresource -ResourceGroupName "MYRG" | where-object ResourceType -like "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" | where-object Name -match "VBA" | select ResourceId

Update-AzTag -ResourceId $RID.ResourceId -tag $tags # +merge
My concern is that I feel this is not the best way to do.

- First the Name “VBA” may change

In my mind the tag assignment configuration should be possible through the web interface of the Appliance in the Instance configuration tab.
Is there any other trick to do this ?

Thanks again.
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Lyudmila Ezerskaya

Re: Assign tag automatically on VBA instances

Post by lyudmila.ezerskaya »

Hi David!
VBAz automatically assigns the 'Veeam backup appliance ID' tag to the backup appliance and all deployed workers. This tag can help you identify VBAz VMs in your infrastructure. You can also add custom tags to worker instances using the REST API.
We're working on enhancing this functionality, but I can't provide any ETA.
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