Unable to create snapshot (Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0;Microsoft CSV Shadow Copy Provider) (mode: Crash consistent). Details: Unknown status of async operation The shadow copy provider timed out while flushing data to the volume being shadow copied. This is probably due to excessive activity on the volume. Try again later when the volume is not being used so heavily. --tr:Failed to create VSS snapshot. --tr:Failed to perform pre-backup tasks.
Unable to allocate processing resources. Error: Unknown status of async operation The shadow copy provider timed out while flushing data to the volume being shadow copied. This is probably due to excessive activity on the volume. Try again later when the volume is not being used so heavily. --tr:Failed to create VSS snapshot. --tr:Failed to perform pre-backup tasks.
In the EventLog i get EventID 8 from snapvol (time limit has occured for volume "")
Cluster with 3 VMs on c:\ClusterStorage\
Then I will backup all 3 VMs. The first and the last VM are backed up, but not the middle one.
Have you already seen this KB article that describes similar issue? Typically, the root cause of this behavior is Volume Shadow Copy Service inability to allocate disk space for shadow copy creation.
James, since Marc hasn't provided his support case ID, there's no opportunity for us to check for solution, unless he comes back to update the thread. I recommend contacting support directly with this, for faster response.
In the VMs I I had to enable the "Network Detection" in the the advanced Share-Configuration. For that these services mut be running also:
n order to enable the Network Discovery settings, you may make sure the following services are enabled and running.
- DNS Client
- Function Discovery Resource Publication
- SSDP Discovery
- UPnP Device Host
The case is not in English, so we can't make a lot of sense of it. But since msp2010 came back with his update, I believe that enabling Network Detection was the resolution for him. Thanks.
Would you please be more precise about network detection? Actually, we are doing a proof of concept on your product... and we need to see the software running at least on the lab.. so if no one can help us to do the proof of concept ... plenty of software providers could help us....
I took the efforts to register to thank you, marshallcn1. Very nice, that fixed it. I was having a virtual machine which resided on a CSV, except the configuration file. Moved the configuration files to the CSV and everything works fine now.
In my case it was that some of the VM files were on a local disk, and others were on the CSV. I Moved everything to the same CSV and it's working normally now. Thanks for the help.