We use Veeam 9.5 u2 and replicate VM between two Hyper-V 2016 (standalone).
At that time, the following warning is output occasionally. In the next replication where this warning came out, this was not output.
Cannot use CBT: There is no change tracking data available associated with the specified change tracking identifier.. Failed to query changes for disk 'D:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks\Veeamvm01.vhdx'
It is a message that CBT can not be found. We are investigating this cause.
We think that RCT function of Hyper-V 2016 was not going well. However, We do not know why this situation has occurred.
Is there anyone know about the cause of this warning?
Veeam support ID is 02290712.
Some kind of abnormality has not occurred. But we did Change virtual switch and Login test of VM.
We are chacking Information that RCT and MRT files. If RCT and MRT files are missing or incorrect, same warning is output.
We found this in your comment. Thank you.