Host-based backup of Microsoft Hyper-V VMs.
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I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Rambarransingh.N »

Good Day,

I am using Hyper-V, Win Svr 2012 R2, and running Extract.exe on a .vbk I created with VeeamZIP, at the Powershell prompt. The extract 'appears' to work, but, when I go to the HyperV Manager and attempt to import the VM, I am constantly told there are NO VM's in the specified dir.

How do I manually register the newly extracted VM with Hyper-V ?

Vitaliy S.
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hi Nikita,

Does this work if you try to register this VM using a Veeam backup console? Just trying to understand if there is a difference in the way you've done it with a backup console behavior.

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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Rambarransingh.N »


Thanks for getting back to me. If I use the actual Veeam B&R, yes, the VM will appear at the destination where I restored it. This also works for the Veeam.Backup.??? - I can't seem to find the program that I has used in the past to do this job, but it was the same thing - it would restore the VM to the Target, and it would appear in the HyperV.

However, if I use Extract.exe or Extractor.exe, both produce the same result:
- The VM is extracted, but, nothing is added to HyperV. I presumed I could use a PS cmdlt to do the job, but so far, I have not found anything that would.

Please help.

Thank you very very much,

Vitaliy S.
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Vitaliy S. »


Can you please post a screenshot of restored files as well as the cmdlet you're using to perform this task?

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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Rambarransingh.N »

Host: HyperV1 - MS Win Svr 2012 R2 DataCenter
HyperV: 6.3.96....
Src VBK: V:\GOLDEN\VM-RPSR-CERTIFYD2019-01-08T144717.vbk

Dest: HyperV7 - MS Win Svr 2012 R2 DataCenter
Dest Pth: V:\

PowerShell cmd : Extract.exe -restore V:\GOLDEN\VM-RPSR-CERTIFYD2019-01-08T144717.vbk \\HyperV7\V_Drive

RESULT at Dest Pth:

DIR: VM-RPSR-CERTIFY(9fa06b2f-6acf-46fa-ac0c-fc4a33a05fd7)


- No VM is created in the Hyper V Manager after the extract.
- How do I attach this VM to the HyperV Mgr, so that I can configure it and do what I need to?


Mike Resseler
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Mike Resseler »


To make sure we understand it: You extracted the backup file and now under a specific directory you have an XML file (which is the configuration of the VM) and two disks (VHDX). From what I understood, that is all you did. The extract utility will give you the possibility to get the files out of the VBK but will not automatically register it to a virtualization host. The easiest way to get it back into Hyper-V (at least that should work) is to "import" a VM through the Hyper-V console. Point it to the directory that you restored and follow the rest of the wizard. The potential issue that I can see with this method is that it will tell you that it expects a different location for the two VHDX files. But that is not such a big problem because then the wizard will ask you to point to the VHDX and adapt the configuration of the VM so it points to the current location.

More info on this: ... l-machines
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Rambarransingh.N »

Good Day,

1. Your understanding of the situation is correct.
2. I presumed the extract utility would register the VM at the destination - my mistake.
3. So, I pointed HyperV at the destination and tried an IMPORT. Hyper keeps saying there are NO VM's in this directory.

IF this can be done in PowerShell, I would prefer that. I have to script this because our team is NOT good at being consistent with instructions. So, I have no choice but to make a script that does the job the same way, all the time, every time.

Thnx for the help,

Mike Resseler
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Mike Resseler »

I'm surprised that it said there is no VM in the directory. Did you point the import to the XML file?

For PowerShell:

Import-VM -Path 'D:\Test\VirtualMachines\5AE40946-3A98-428E-8C83-081A3C6BD18C.XML'
(Path is an example)
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Rambarransingh.N »


I tried the import-vm. PS is reporting:
The virtual machine configuration could not be read. The data might be corrupt or not valid.
Does this heave ANYTHING to do with I am using the free version ?


Mike Resseler
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Mike Resseler »

Hey Nikita,

No, that should be not an issue. At least not that I am aware off.
Can you do one check. Create a new virtual machine in Hyper-V with the same settings as the protected VM. Attach the two disks that you got out of the extract utility. See if that VM can boot/ run.
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Rambarransingh.N »

Good Day,

Thnx for the info.

1. What did you mean by: "protected vm" ?
2. I can attach the drives, and start it up - everything appears fine. However, all the software in the VM, including Windows, is no longer valid or activated. For example, I have to reactivate windows in 3 days. If I do the same job by hand, via the VeeamGUI - there is no problem.

I am suspicious that this has to do with the HyperV VSS registration ?

Thnx for help.

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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Rambarransingh.N »

Good Day,

So after pouring through the powershell ref, I came across Start-VBRHvRestoreVM ... This is exactly what I am looking for, except, when you have a VeeamZIP, you don't really have a RestorePoint that you can pass to the Start-Restore. So, the hunt goes on to figure this out.

I will keep hunting.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thnx all,

Mike Resseler
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Mike Resseler »


RE: Protected VM. It means the backup. Sorry, should have been more clear.
What I do not like is that you have a backup of a VM, and when you do restore (even if it is through extract.exe) that you can't import it into Hyper-V and have the state as is. I would suggest that you take a whole new backup of that (or a VM) and see if that solves the case. It looks like there is something wrong with that specific backup.

If that gives the same problems, then I think it is time to talk to support.
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Rambarransingh.N »

Good Day,

This is a system wide thing. It happens to EVERY .vbk that I create. I use the following command to make the ZIP :

$VeeamDestination = V:\
$vm = get-VBRServer -Name $HyperVFQDN | Find-VBRHvEntity -Name $VMName
$VBRZip = Start-VBRZip -Folder $VeeamDestination -Entity $vm -Compression 5 -DisableQuiesce

I would like to figure out how to get a restorepoint from a VeeamZIP. I 'Think' that Start-VBRWindowsFileRestore will solve the issues I am having.

Any ideas ?

Mike Resseler
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Mike Resseler »


If you can use the tool, you can do a recovery with the solution by using the Full VM Restore wizard wizard. That should give you the possibility to restore it to the original location (or a different one). ... ry_hv.html will give you the necessary steps. If that works, let's look further then for the PowerShell items.
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Rambarransingh.N »

Good Day,

I confirm, I can restore a full or partial VM using the Restore Wizard. Now lets do this in PowerShell. BTW - Should I pickup the 9.5 Upd 4 - Community Edition ? I think I am on just 9.5.


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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Rambarransingh.N »

Good Day All - Some stunning developments.

I am not sure what was said earlier, but something triggered me to perform an Import-Backup. It worked, and I was able to get the restorepoint from the vbk. To that end, I have been successfull-ish at running: Start-VBRHvRestoreVM -RestorePoint $restorePoint -Server $server -Path $destPath -Credential $creds ... I get the following results:

Info : Veeam.Backup.Model.CRestoreSessionInfo
Uid : fd8f977047494d7f89adc0b04b937355
LeaseUid :
Initiator : Veeam.Backup.Model.CBaseSessionInfo+SInitiator
OibId : f2ea7044-744e-40eb-855b-7a16a2d82f03
Platform : EHyperV
Options : <HvVmRestoreSpec InitiatorName="RPSR-SSRR\MyName.N"
name="VM-RPSR-CERTIFY" /><Oib id="f2ea7044-744e-40eb-855b-7a16a2d82f03"
/><RestoreLocation><TargetHost id="57c21452-37f5-4509-b83f-f59178e5e0ee" /><NewVmName
name="VM-RPSR-CERTIFY" /><TargetHostName name=""
/><OrigLocationRestore value="False" /><PathsMatching><VmsFolderRoot
Path="\\HyperVM4\V_Drive" /><VhdPathsArray
/></PathsMatching></RestoreLocation><RestoreOptions><PreserveVmID Value="True"
/><PowerOnVM Value="False" /><RegAsClusterResource Value="False" /><PassThroughOptions
/></RestoreOptions><NetworkingRestoreSpec><NetwokingNode><EnableNetworking Value="False"
/><PreserveMacs Value="True" /></NetwokingNode></NetworkingRestoreSpec><MultiRestoreId
id="27cc679f-db99-4407-a1c0-efa8214a76fc" /><RestoreType type="0" /><BackupDate
date="131914324570000000" /><BackupName name="VM-RPSR-CERTIFY_2019-01-08T144708_imported" /
StateXml : <StateXml />
ParentIdOrNull :
FileLogger : Veeam.Backup.Core.FileCommanderLogger
RestoreType : SingleRestore
MultiRestoreId : 27cc679f-db99-4407-a1c0-efa8214a76fc
RestoreSessionAudit : Veeam.Backup.Core.RestoreSessionAudit
ItemsRestoreAudit :
SessionInfo : Veeam.Backup.Model.CRestoreSessionInfo
Id : fd8f9770-4749-4d7f-89ad-c0b04b937355
LeaseId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
JobType : RestoreVm
JobSpec :
JobTypeString : Full VM Restore
CreationTimeUTC : 2/23/2019 8:31:55 PM
Operation :
Description : Restore started
Utf8Text2UnicodeFile failed
Access is denied.
Failed to create or open file [\\HyperVM4\V_Drive\Virtual
Failed to create file [\\HyperVM4\V_Drive\Virtual

Access is denied.

BaseProgress : 0
IsCompleted : True
IsWorking : False
IsStarting : False
IsPostprocessing : False
JobId : 7880ae75-66a7-49ea-9b1f-404282fd7071
Result : Failed
State : Stopped
EndTime : 2/23/2019 8:32:15 PM
EndTimeUTC : 2/23/2019 8:32:15 PM
CreationTime : 2/23/2019 8:31:55 PM
AuxData : <AuxData><SessionStarterInfo Version="1" UserName="Rambarransingh.N" UserDomainName="."
RunManually="True" LoginType="0" /></AuxData>
IsLowerAgentPriority : True
Logger : Veeam.Backup.Core.XmlLogger
Tracer : Veeam.Backup.Core.CSessionLogTracer

Any help would be appreciated.


PS - This post started out not being able to use the output from the Extract. This is no longer the case. Should I close this post and open a new track ?
Mike Resseler
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Mike Resseler »


I am a bit confused at this moment. Let's see if I understand it correctly what you are doing.

1. You are taking a backup of a VM with the VBR 9.5 Community Edition.
2. You import that backup? And you try to restore to an alternative location as far as I can see in the data.
3. The error I see seems to be that you get an access denied on the alternative location (which is that V_drive share)

Is that correct?
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Rambarransingh.N »

Good Day,

1. I perform a Start-VBRZip, in PowerShell.
2. The zip gets sent off to a san where it will collect dust until/ifff needed.
3. Upon a request to restore, we are often asked to restore 1 sub-dir ( G:\OraData ) on a particular drive of the VM when the zip was take. The process to recover that is:
- We restore the entire drive from the backup to somewhere on the network.
- Rename the drive to something like TempDrive_X.vhdx
- Open the VM, and attach the drive
- Kill the files from the original dir - G:\OraData.
- Copy the files from the _X to the required sub-dir.

For lack of a better term, this takes hours ( ok about 2-ish ) and, we have to baby sit it. I was hoping to use PowerShell to do all these tasks, and then email me it is done, before I release the VM to the client.

This business about the Access denied has me thinking we did not configure Veeam properly. I am still investigating.

Comments / suggestion would be appreciated.

Mike Resseler
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Re: I can't import results of Extract.exe ...

Post by Mike Resseler »

Can you create a support call? It might be easier that it gets looked into. Even with our community edition you are entitled on support, just without SLA.

Please post the support case ID (and the outcome after investigation by our engineers) here.

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