I would like to hear some feedback about a design question for a backup storage in a smaller environment. I have a dedicated backup Hyper-V host, which runs a Server 2019 VM for VBR. The backup storage is a RAID10 of 4x10TB NL-SAS attached to a dedicated RAID controller. No storage spaces or SAN/iSCSI techniques is used here. VBR is installed inside a VM to have an abstraction layer from the physical machine and to have the ability to test backups by creating VMs on the Hyper-V host.
My goal is to use a 20TB ReFS backup repository, where the file system is formatted with ReFS 64k cluster size.
However, since storage can not be pass through, the question arise where the backup repository should be attached. From my point of view, only three options are possible:
- Attach the Hyper-v host itself as backup repository. The backup files are then just located on the Hyper-V host.
- Create a ~20TB VHDX file on a ReFS 64k volume and attach it to the VBR VM and format this VHDX again with ReFS 64k.
- Create a ~20TB VHDX file on a ReFS 64k volume and attach it to the separate storage only VM and format this VHDX again with ReFS 64k.
Thank you very much!
Best regards