Host-based backup of Microsoft Hyper-V VMs.
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Full Name: Florian Schoppmeier

Schedule a job twice or 4 times a day

Post by FlorianS »


From what i found in this forum it is not posible for some reason to schedule a backup job more than once a day with the GUI other than the periodical setting, right ?

What i got :

6 Hyper-V Hosts with different customers VMs on them.
For the moment i have 6 backup jobs and scheduled one job to run every 6 hours - all other jobs are set to run after the first is finished and so forth...

What I want :
Have Job 1 run at 6:00h / 12:00h / 18:00h / 00:00h
Have Job 2 run at 6:05h / 12:05h / 18:05h / 00:05h

Reason : If job 1 only got one VM left to backup job 2 would start with as many Vms as the Veeam server is possible to handle - so this way I don't need to wait for the completion of the first job.

Is that possible ? I guess it is but just with powershell scripting and running those jobs via the task scheduler right ?
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Re: Schedule a job twice or 4 times a day

Post by Shestakov »

Hello Florian,

Didn`t get this part:
If job 1 only got one VM left to backup job 2 would start with as many Vms as the Veeam server is possible to handle - so this way I don't need to wait for the completion of the first job.
Could you explain it?

In general job chaining is not the best practice. Parallel processing works better.

Going to the original question, another way to achieve the goal is to use backup windows.
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Full Name: Florian Schoppmeier

Re: Schedule a job twice or 4 times a day

Post by FlorianS »

Let's say Job 1 has 10 VMs and Job 2 has 10 VMs.
If I chain the jobs and Job 1 is nearly finished and only backing up one last VM, Job 2 won't start until this job is done, even though the Veeam Server might be configured to run ie 4 Tasks at the same time.
When i schedule both jobs to run the second job will start when job 1 has 3 VMs left to backup or not ?

So ... if I want to get rid of the job chaining what would be the best approach to have 3-4 Backupsets daily of one Job ?
I tried to create a second Job but this will create a new subfolder on the storage hence using up much more space.. any hints appreciated.
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Full Name: Nikita Shestakov
Location: Prague

Re: Schedule a job twice or 4 times a day

Post by Shestakov »

Do you want to backup same VMs with different jobs?
Otherwise one VM should not interrupt another. If you backup same VMs, I would suggest just start the job more often, if you backup different VMs you may run jobs in parallel.
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