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VM still in C:\Replicas after permanent failover

Post by engit »

- Veeam B&R 10
- Two standalone hosts running HyperV2019 (core).

We've performed a permanent failover on some VMs and have 'committed' the failover, but the VMs are still located in C:\Replicas of the destination machine after failing over. The VMs also still contain the '_replica' suiffix which is fine since we can easily rename the VM if needed, but the location of the VM is troublesome since it would be easy to remove a VM from the replica directory not realizing that it is actually in production use.

It seems like once a failover has been finalized it should move the VM to the default directory or at least out of C:\Replicas

Is this by design, or is there a way to move the VM out of the replica directory now that it is in production use?
Egor Yakovlev
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Re: VM still in C:\Replicas after permanent failover

Post by Egor Yakovlev »

Hi Engit,

C:\Replicas(or rather DiskWithMostFreeSpace:\Replicas) is a default Hyper-V Replication Job Target path.
If you don't like replica machines to be there, change it in Replication Job settings.

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Re: VM still in C:\Replicas after permanent failover

Post by engit »

Thanks Egor,

We are able to change the replication path, but what we would like to see is a way to move the replication files to a different directory after a permanent failover is complete.

The reason we would like to do this is to keep all production VMs in the same location (like C:\VMs or the default HyperV loation: C:\Users\Public\Documents\HyperV).

It seems quite misleading to have a production machine running from C:\Replicas with a suffix of "_replica" even after a permanent failover. We realize we can rename the VM, but moving a vm is a little more difficult since we don't run a cluster with shared storage.

Our plan currently is to avoid this situation by creating a backup job that backs our VMs on the source HyperV host to C:\Backups on our destination HyperV host. After-hours we will run the backup job to pull over any changes and then restore the VMs to the destination HyperV machine after turning off the VMs on the Source Machine. A little bit of a workaround, but at least this way we will have our production VMs in C:\VMs and only replicas will exist in C:\Replicas like we would expect.
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