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Installation Problems - stumped

Post by jeffbourassa »

Hi All

I am a bit stumped. Trying to setup and do some basic evaluation of Monitor 3 - on a basic Windows 2008 server, with AD installed. Just a testing server.

Going through the install, choosing to installed SQExpress - goes through the install and then at the end I get the following error:

'w2008server\Veeam Monitoring' is not a valid login or you do not have permission.

If the idea is to promote the full version of Veeam Monitor - one should be able to install the Free version to test without any issues....

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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by Gostev »

Hello Jeff, we did not have similar issue reported by other users before. Probably this is specific to your environment or settings you supply during Veeam Monitor setup. If you are interested in resolving this (we definitely are), please contact our support and they will instruct you on how to get the setup logs for us.
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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by jeffbourassa »

Here is the DButil.log

02/17/09 17:09:00 00005068 0x000013CC "----------------------------------- New session -----------------------------------"
02/17/09 17:09:01 00005068 0x000013CC "WinVer=Microsoft Windows Vista; Platfrom=32"
02/17/09 17:09:01 00005068 0x000013CC "UserIsAdmin=true; UserIsPowerUser=false"
02/17/09 17:09:01 00005068 0x000013CC "A database error (code:0x80040E14, ) has occured in context of EXEC master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'W2008SERVER\Veeam Monitoring', @rolename = N'sysadmin'EXEC master.dbo.sp_grantlogin @loginame = N'W2008SERVER\Veeam Monitoring'. Error information follows"
02/17/09 17:09:01 00005068 0x000013CC "Error record 1 of 1: 'W2008SERVER\Veeam Monitoring' is not a valid login or you do not have permission."
02/17/09 17:09:01 00005068 0x000013CC "Throwing exception."

On this test installation same problem over and over, have uninstalled and tried again probably a dozen times. To local SQL servers, to remote, etc.

I believe the issue to be Active Directory permission related. However this is a simple server setup, should work out of the box I would think.

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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by jeffbourassa »

As an aside VeeamBackup v3 connecting to the SQLExpress instance worked flawlessly. Was up and running in the time it took to do the install.

Would like to get this working....

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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by jeffbourassa »

A bit further....

I can access Veeam Monitor Settings. From here I can see that the database is not getting created. If I go into MS Sql manager - the database name is there, however no tables are present. It is trying to create a database using a local account w2008server\veeam monitor - however that is not AN account, but rather a security group.

Anyhow. No workie.

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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by Gostev »

Jeff, this could be due to Windows 2008 security.

Please try to do this:
- Delete that empty database you are seeing
- Start the Monitor Settings program
- On the Security tab add your account to the list and click Sync
- Perform logoff/logon
- Start the Monitor Settings program again
- Stop Collector (Collector->Stop)
- Deploy database (Database->Change Database)
- Start Collector (Collector->Start)
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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by jeffbourassa »

Gostev wrote:Jeff, this could be due to Windows 2008 security.

Please try to do this:
- Delete that empty database you are seeing
- Start the Monitor Settings program
- On the Security tab add your account to the list and click Sync
- Perform logoff/logon
- Start the Monitor Settings program again
- Stop Collector (Collector->Stop)
- Deploy database (Database->Change Database)
- Start Collector (Collector->Start)
Done - no change - same error exactly. A shell database is created in SQLExpress - but with no tables/objects. Also it does not appear to connect to SQL with the credentials I am supplying the error is that user w2008server\veeam monitor cannot create tables. That is not a user - but a group. Anyhow still does not work after trying the above.

Further my SQLExpress dbase now has 6 "tries" here - of databases, none of which delete because they were not properly created. How can I properly clean those off, deleting the mdf and ldf files just generates errors - in the management console, same issue, deleting the database tried via this approach results in a database in the listing, but I have no premissions to remove it.

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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by jeffbourassa »

So info on the machine I am testing on:

Windows 2008 Standard Server, 32 bit
File and Print services, and Active Directory Server - other than that just some odd programs and utilities, would seem to me duplicating this in your lab would be pretty simple

Setup to test Veeam Monitor - has never worked since first try. Have a trial of VeeamBackup on here - installed and works perfectly. I have about 6 corrupted Veeam Monitor Database tries. None of which I am able to properly delete.

Should I setup another server? Is this product compatible with Server2008?

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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by Gostev »

No, officially Windows 2008 is not supported according to the system requirements - please refer to the Release Notes document for more information on supported operating systems. We have not tested Veeam Monitor on Windows 2008. But I tried it quickly and it worked for me?
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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by Gostev »

Just an update, we have confirmed that the problem you are experiencing is due to installing Veeam Monitor on Active Directory domain controller.
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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by Thomas ITW »


I am having same problem on a Windows 2003 domain controller, and with Veeam Backup installed.

Is Veeam Monitor not suported to run on a Domain Controller ?


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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by Gostev »

Thomas, no - installing Veeam Monitor on Domain Controller is not supported.
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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by Thomas ITW »


thats to bad, I was hoping to use it to monitor my ESX´s, but I´ll just go with Vsphere instead.


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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by Gostev »

OK. Just FYI, vCenter cannot be installed on Domain Controller either.
I crashed into this issue when installing one in my test lab (used to have VI35 vCenter installed on DC), and it was a surprise to me.
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Re: Installation Problems - stumped

Post by Thomas ITW »

ok thank you,

I was thinking of Vsphere 4 essentials.

It still irretates me, since it looks like a simple problem with the SQL server.


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