I've installed an evaluation version of Monitor and it's monitoring 4 ESX 3.5 U4 hosts in a cluster sharing three NFS datastores. The datastores show up in the monitor ui but on the "Disk I/O" and "Disk Issues" screens it says "There are no running VMs using this datastore", I'm pretty sure there are Any reason why these graphs doesn't work?
Daniel, monitoring NFS datastores is not supported because vCenter and ESX hosts do not provide any performance metrics for NFS datastores. We will update the error text in the next update because it is incorrect and confused a few people already. Thank you and sorry for this inconvenience.
Is this also the case for Virtual RDM's? I see all the VM datastores, and can get some stats for my virtual RDM's by clicking on the actual VM, but I can't get all the same disk stats that I can for a normal VM datastore (Bus resets, latency, etc)..
Hi , I´m also missing data for disk I/O and disk issues in my installation. I can see the data for all the LUN´s if I´m looking at the ESX host tab, but I can´t see any data if I go to the datastores ,and try to look at the I/O tab. No error messages in the GUI .... We are running our datastores on XP24000 ,not NFS storage.
I´m evaluating this product and the total I/O on the datastores, is one of the most important features I´m interesting in. Any suggestions were I should look to troubleshoot this ? All the services and the collectors seems to be running , I can see other statistics ,but not the I/O data on the datastores.
I am in the same boat, but I may have a theory, according to documentation, the Free Version of Monitor doesn't do Disk IO? However when I download the Trial of the Full Version, I see no indication that there is any difference. Is it really a time bombed version of the full deal, or just the Free Edition?
I would really like to see what information can be given about Disk IO to determine if this product is worth investing in, the Free Version shows a lot of promise, just missing this one piece.
I am using SQL 2005 Std for my datastores. I don't recall seeing that banner when I installed the free version either.
I installed Free, tried it out, then downloaded and upgraded to Full (Trial).... Is it possible that I have to just uninstall and reinstall the software?
Another question about the extra statistics, is it a limitation of using esxi and not full blown?