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vCPU at VSphere esxi 4.1 vs. CPU at Veeam 5

Post by migu »

Hello everybody,
at first I have to say, this issue is nothing worth setting the world on fire, but we discussed thi issue internally and came to no conclusion.

We have three equal ESXi 4.1 Server and vsphere gives us the information that they have 24 vCPUs each. (2 sockets, 6 cores and hyperthreading)
Veeam 5 tells us on hostlevel that they have 12 CPU each, and on vmaschine-level the correct number of assigned vCPUs.
What is the intention of veeam at this point?

Thanks in advance for some information.

Vitaliy S.
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Re: vCPU at VSphere esxi 4.1 vs. CPU at Veeam 5

Post by Vitaliy S. »


I've just checked the information you're referring to and it gives me the same numbers for both hosts summary in vSphere Client and Monitor Server. Could you please reach our support team and provide all the screenshots (if possible), so we could be on the same page?

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