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Veeam One Monitor Proxy Servers Overview

Post by DeadEyedJacks »

Couple of observations on this section of Data Protecton view

Firstly seems to be a bug, in that Proxy Server Overview can't count above 5 when listing number of proxy servers in a category.

Secondly, it seems that work done by proxies for copy jobs isn't counted in the transferred data, processed disks and hours spent windows ?

Is there a Veeam One report or dashboard which would summarise / aggregate weekly data transferred, disks processed and time spent per proxy?

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Re: Veeam One Monitor Proxy Servers Overview

Post by DeadEyedJacks »

Plus all proxy servers, shows as being in Automatic processing mode, even though they are not.

Slightly overtopic, but for Backup Repositories overview, Utilisation hours is shown for standalone repos, but not for scale-out repos nor their extents.
So how to tell how much utilisation a SOR or its extents has from Veeam One monitor ?
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Re: Veeam One Monitor Proxy Servers Overview

Post by Shestakov » 1 person likes this post

Firstly seems to be a bug, in that Proxy Server Overview can't count above 5 when listing number of proxy servers in a category.
Do you mean "Top Proxy Servers by..." on Backup Proxies Summary?
Secondly, it seems that work done by proxies for copy jobs isn't counted in the transferred data, processed disks and hours spent windows ?
...Plus all proxy servers, shows as being in Automatic processing mode, even though they are not.
I`ll ask QA team to double-check it.
Is there a Veeam One report or dashboard which would summarise / aggregate weekly data transferred, disks processed and time spent per proxy?
There is no such a report now. Could you elaborate on that request, if we create one what else would you like to see there?
Veeam ProPartner
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Re: Veeam One Monitor Proxy Servers Overview

Post by DeadEyedJacks »

Just coming back to this topic..
Do you mean "Top Proxy Servers by..." on Backup Proxies Summary?
No immediately above that were it should give an overview of number of proxies of which type.
(Never counts above 5, although we have sites with eight or more proxies of a given type)

...Plus all proxy servers, shows as being in Automatic processing mode, even though they are not.
I`ll ask QA team to double-check it.

-- Is there a Veeam One report or dashboard which would summarise / aggregate weekly data transferred, disks processed and time spent per proxy?
There is no such a report now. Could you elaborate on that request, if we create one what else would you like to see there?
I'm wanting an assessment as to how many hours per week each proxy is busy, so we can assess when more proxies need to be added to maintain optimal throughput.
i.e. currently we have a site with eight proxies running backups and/or replicas 100 hours per week, but I don't know how many hours the backup copies take.
Need to plan when to scale out with further proxies.

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Re: Veeam One Monitor Proxy Servers Overview

Post by Shestakov »

Could you contact Veeam support to confirm the behavior?
DeadEyedJacks wrote:I'm wanting an assessment as to how many hours per week each proxy is busy, so we can assess when more proxies need to be added to maintain optimal throughput.
i.e. currently we have a site with eight proxies running backups and/or replicas 100 hours per week, but I don't know how many hours the backup copies take.
Need to plan when to scale out with further proxies.
That`s a good request, we are planning to add such a feature in v10.
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