Discussions related to using object storage as a backup target.
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Accessing backups on capacity tier with unavailable performance tier

Post by barrett27 »

we have some backup jobs pointing to a scale-out repository with both performance and capacity tier.
The objects in the job, the storage added as extent in the performance tier and the gateway server of the object storage now have been turned off by the customer, so to avoid errors in the daily report of the scale-out, I disabled the capacity tier in the scale-out.

Customer asked me to browse the s3 bucket, so I replaced the gateway server in the object storage and tried in order:
- A rescan of the object storage. Result: no backups found.
- An import from the object storage. Result: 2 backups imported, but the only backups I can see are the ones on the performance tier that is unavailable
- Enabled again the capacity tier in the scale-out after detached the object storage. Result: rescan failed because performance tier is unavailable.

What should I do to get access again to the backups that are on the s3 bucket?

Thank you

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Re: Accessing backups on capacity tier with unavailable performance tier

Post by HannesK »

I got a bit lost what is turned off and how things are configured, but I try to answer :-)

- capacity tier data needs to be "imported". rescan does not work
- if performance tier breaks, then restore works with automatic failover to capacity tier if everything is configured "per default" (that probably does not apply for you, as several things were re-configured)
- removing the object storage and importing again would give you access again to the data in capacity tier (with V11, this can take long. V12 is much faster for import)

If that does not help, please check with Veeam support.

Best regards,
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