I don't know if this question has been posted, so I'll start now

The following setup
There is a scaleout repository with several hardware servers (not immutable). In this scaleout repository, S3 is connected with immutability (object lock) in order to operate capacity tiering. The immutability of S3 is set to 7 days. Furthermore, immediate copy is set up for S3 in the scaleout.
The following scenario:
A sample backup job with 1x retention point (not retention days) is created and a full backup is triggered. After the backup has been completed, it is successfully copied directly to s3.
To test the retention points, I trigger another full backup here. The new full backup is then copied back to s3 as normal.
I have triggered 2x full backups and both have been successfully copied to s3.
However, when checking in Veeam, I see that only one retetion point is displayed in the "Disk" area, although I have initiated 2x full backups. I also see that there is only one retention point for S3.
Since I have activated Object Lock for S3, the retetion points from the first full backup should not be deleted and should be locked.
To check this, I log into my S3 account and see that the first full backup is actually still there and has not been deleted. I also see that both full backups have been locked with retention. However, the first full backup is no longer displayed in Veeam.
Since I did not realize this before and only noticed it recently, is this behavior normal? If so, how can the objects from S3 be read in again and displayed when they are needed?
Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any information on this in the forums and articles.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to find anything about this behavior.
Many thanks in advance