I know that technical questions about issues are almost every time forwarded to the support, but I'd like to know if such issues are known right now:
Installed v12 on a fresh database. Created an object storage repository (to an existing bucket). Imported Backups (specifying key there), passed key for the decryption of the backups itself, done. So finally I have backups under "Capacity Tier (Imported)". Tried to export a backup, was able to choose one of many restore points, specified target and started the export job. It failed after a minute.
The Vm.<name>.VbkExport.log tells me
?? What's wrong here, how can it be a different password when the import was successful? Any ideas, are such circumstances known? All in all, it's not the first time that I'm having issues with imports on a different database and I've got the feeling that some lines of code need to be improved there.Data in the object storage is ecnrypted with a different password.