Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Full Name: Helge Hagedorn

"Waiting for Tape": Email notification?

Post by Petrie »

Hi all,

today I noticed that some of the usual success mails for the "Backup to Tape" jobs were missing.
After a look in VBR I saw three jobs in state "running" and "Waiting for Tape" since a couple of days.

Is there a chance to get an email notification if no free tape is found within a certain amount of time?
In my opinion, it is a bad idea to regularly look for missing emails, - it would be better to receive warnings in case something does not work as expected. :wink:

(How can I attach a screenshot?)

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Re: "Waiting for Tape": Email notification?

Post by veremin »

Hi, Helge,

As mentioned in the adjacent thread, we have already submitted this as a feature request. According to the plan, it should be added in the next release.

For now the only workaround I can come up with is to use scheduled PS script that will check whether the tape job sits in the "idle", waiting for a new tape, and generate notification e-mail in accordance.

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Full Name: Helge Hagedorn

Re: "Waiting for Tape": Email notification?

Post by Petrie »

Hi Vladimir,

thank you very much for this information and your quick reply. I have missed this thread.
I´m gonna give the PS script a try, until this alert is implemented.

Have a good day,
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Re: "Waiting for Tape": Email notification?

Post by veremin »

Recently, one of our customer has created the script that cancels a tape job if it sits in "waiting for new tape" state. I believe this script can be taken as an example and modified further.

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Re: "Waiting for Tape": Email notification?

Post by arielcabral » 1 person likes this post

Hey guys,

I managed to "create" a very basic script that checks for what we need. I may be late as this may be already included in version 8, but it could work for anyone who's been working on it..

What I did was to create a .ps1 file and execute Powershell from the task scheduler, let's say, every one hour

Here's the (basic) script

Code: Select all

Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapIn
Get-VBRTapeJob | foreach-object {if ($_.GetLastState() -like "WaitingTape") {Send-MailMessage -from veeam@example.com -to admin@example.com -cc datacenteradmins@example.com "Veeam is waiting to load tapes!" -smtpserver} else {echo "Everything is alright"}}

Any modifications are absolutely welcome, but I just needed to know if Veeam was waiting for a tape ;)

I hope it works, enjoy!

Greetings from Argentina,
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