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Triggered copyjob

Post by Peejay62 »


I tried various methods, adjusting schedules, scripting etc, but there doesn't seem to be a way to trigger a copyjob directly after a backupjob finishes and afterward not getting warnings/errors like "some vms not processed during copy interval" etc.

I really would like to see an option in a backupjob definition that sets something like "start sync immed for copyjob x a succesfull end".
Why I am looking for this? It has a lot to do with the availability of the backupdata and my RPO in case of a disaster. Setup in short and very simplified: primary backup repository at DC1 (our primary location), copy backups at repository at DC2. Backup once a day to Backuprepos1 (max dataloss is 24hrs, so every 24 hrs a backup). Then copy the backups with backup copy tot Backuprepos2 at DC2. The copy takes some time and this already violates my RPO in case of a major disaster where DC1 will be lost as obviously some copies still maybe have to be done. To shorten this dataloss I want to have the copies over as soon as a backupjob finishes, and not having the job to wait until a sync starts based on the schedule. So in short "autotriggering copyjob after succesfull backupjob". (feature request...)
Such an option would make life a lot easier in managing your "at least 2 copies" scheme, and Veeam B&R already made my life a lot easier..

thanks, Peter
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Re: Triggered copyjob

Post by Gostev »

Peejay62 wrote:I want to have the copies over as soon as a backupjob finishes
Hi, this is exactly how it works today. Backup Copy starts copying data as soon as backup job completes. This is how Backup Copy job is designed to work natively, and it does not even have other scheduling options. So, you don't have to do anything else here. If you don't see Backup Copy jobs immediately starting a copy as soon as the new restore point is created by the primary backup job, then perhaps you don't have something set up correctly. You can open support case and have our engineers take a look at your settings. Thanks!
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Re: Triggered copyjob

Post by Peejay62 »

Ok Anton,

that is what I always thought it to work. But indeed, I don't see a copyjob doing anything after a backup finishes. As I see it , It sits and waits for the time that is given for the sync to actually start copying. So I will take your advice and let have some deeper look into it.

thanks, Peter
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Re: Triggered copyjob

Post by Gostev »

This could be because the job has already copied the most recent restore point for the given copy interval, in that case it will not do copies for newly appearing restore points, as it considers its job done for the given copy interval. May be you should change your copy interval start time to better align with your primary backup job schedule.
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Re: Triggered copyjob

Post by Peejay62 »

just as an example of my settings:
I have a job BackupjobX, that runs everyday at 23.00 and takes 45 minutes. When looking in the jobsettings there is a secondary target that is called copy_BackupjobX.
The copyjob settings for copy_BackupjobX have as a source BackupjobX, can run continiously and have set copy every 1 day starting at 5.00. that is what it exactly seems to be doing, at 5.00 the copyjob starts copying the new restorepoints. it sometimes even says no restorepoints, waiting for new. I expected it to start copying at 23.45, right after the backupjob finishes and new backupdata is available.
Did I misinterpret the start settings of the copyjob?

Thanks, Peter
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Re: Triggered copyjob

Post by Gostev »

Yes. There is no job start time, the Backup Copy job always runs. The copy interval start time defines when it should start looking for the new restore points from primary backup jobs. Basically, at copy interval start time it says, "OK, whenever I have copied before is now too old, so I need to start looking for the newer restore points. And, if they are not there yet, wait for them to appear, then start the copying immediately when they appear".

Perhaps you want to move that time closer to 23:45, for example 01:00.
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Re: Triggered copyjob

Post by Peejay62 »

Gostev wrote:This could be because the job has already copied the most recent restore point for the given copy interval, in that case it will not do copies for newly appearing restore points, as it considers its job done for the given copy interval. May be you should change your copy interval start time to better align with your primary backup job schedule.
that's one of the reason i asked for a triggered copyjob. I really didn't have to worry about any of these settings or alignment anymore. I would be absolutely sure that immediately after finishing a backup a copy would run copying all restorepoints, thus ending up with a complete backupset at the other site. Maybe some food for considering such an option? It would make Veeam even more good as it is already. :wink:

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Re: Triggered copyjob

Post by veremin »

Have you tried to force new synchronization interval at the time of backup job ends with the use of post-job command? Thanks.
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Re: Triggered copyjob

Post by Peejay62 »

Ok, I will try forcing the sync by means of a post job command.
As for the starting of a copy in the job: Even after a closer look at the copyjob processing i see that an actual copy is only started as soon as the time is reached that is given in the "Copy every" settings of the copyjob. There is no copying as soon as a restorepoint is available. Running the backup @21.00, finishing@ 21.30, setting the copy@ Run every 1 day @ 23.30 will start copying@23.30 and not @21.30. At least this is what the log tells me: copying restore point dd/mm/yyyy 21:30 , queued for processing @ 23.30... and so on.

Bye, Peter
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Re: Triggered copyjob

Post by veremin »

Most likely, the backup copy job has already copied an earlier restore point within the given interval. Thus, the newly-created restore point is not being copied. Thanks.
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Re: Triggered copyjob

Post by Peejay62 »

Makes sense.I will try to trick it by setting the synctime at the exact moment of the backuptime. Then no previous point should be available and the job should wait then until the backup completes. Should see the new restorepoint and should copy it immed then.. Let's see what it will do.

Bye, Peter
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