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Scheduling bug?

Post by Keyser »


I have noticed an issue with scheduling in a new installation I just made.
The reason for this job is to make an independent backup once every 3 months (and I want it to be full), so in the Scheduling options i selected "every first saturday" in Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct.

I created a job that runs forward incremental, and in the "active Full" section i simply filled in "weekly -> mon through sun" assuming that would make sure it would be active full no matter witch day the job runs.

But the job runs every night even though the schedule only says once every 3 months. I found out this was because of the "active full" setting in the storage selection. When I changed that selection to be the same as the schedule (every first saturday" in Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct.) the job runs as expected.

Is this by design, or is it a bug? I expeced the active full setting to be something the job "consulted" every time it ran by it's scheduled to determine if it should be active full or not. But apparently the Active Full setting is a independent scheduling option on its own. That also means I do not have the same granular scheduling options for jobs that require active full once in i while.

Happy new year!
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Re: Scheduling bug?

Post by Keyser »

Oh, and it's Veeam V8 Patch 1 I'm running
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Re: Scheduling bug?

Post by nefes »

Keyser wrote:Full setting is a independent scheduling option on its own.
It is by design. The thing is, if we rely on schedule, most common one users tend to use (weekdays backup, full on Saturday) will produce no fulls and end up with very long incremental chains. We had an incredible amount of such support cases before we have made this change in v7.
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Re: Scheduling bug?

Post by Keyser »


It seems a little counter intuitive that I actually have scheduling options in two places, but I understand the problem.
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Re: Scheduling bug?

Post by cparker4486 »

nefes wrote:It is by design. The thing is, if we rely on schedule, most common one users tend to use (weekdays backup, full on Saturday) will produce no fulls and end up with very long incremental chains. We had an incredible amount of such support cases before we have made this change in v7.
The way Veeam maybe should have solved this is through a better UI rather than an unintuitive workaround.

If a job is scheduled to run only M-F then wouldn't the simple option would be to not allow a customer to select Saturday or Sunday for the Active Full. Those options should be grayed out and a small note at the bottom of the window could indicate what was happening: "Days that are grayed-out are unavailable because this backup job is not currently scheduled to run on those days."
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Re: Scheduling bug?

Post by Shestakov »

It`s a good point, but job schedule is 2 steps forward in the wizard, so it can bring an additional confusion, from my point of view.
Users choose when/how to run the job and have the backup window option for the job suppression in a predefined time if someone wants to make time limits.
Thanks for the feedback and sharing you ideas!
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