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Error access the data beyond the end of the file

Post by Simon »


I have enlarged a VM disk and then assigned the free space to drive C on a Windows Server 2008 R2. Now when I want to replicate the VM I get the following error:

Replicating file "[Storage] srv01/srv01-flat.vmdk"
BackupDisk failed
Client error: An attempt was made to access the data beyond the end of the virtual disk. Size of the disk: [16121548800]. End of the requested region: [16121856000].
Failed to write [1048576] bytes to the disk [[Storage] VeeamBackup/srv01(96)/srv01-flat.vmdk] starting from offset [16120807424].
Failed to flush data-block content. Block: [15374].

I have recalculated the diskspace in the replication job but the error won't go away. Any ideas whats going wrong?

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Re: Error access the data beyond the end of the file

Post by Gostev »

Hello, kindly please search the forum for your error before creating the new topic. Thanks! ... isk#p12746
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[MERGED] Replication after VMDK extension

Post by MB-NS »


I am facing issues with the replication of a VM after I had one of its disks extended.

The error heavily points to the extension being the main cause...

Client error: An attempt was made to access the data beyond the end of the virtual disk. Size of the disk: [53687091200]. End of the requested region: [53688139776].
Failed to write [1048576] bytes to the disk [[eqlsec2] VeeamBackup/SK8R2SQL1(vm-2970)/SK8R2SQL1_2-flat.vmdk] starting from offset [53687091200].

Are there any specific instructions on Veeam side when we extend a replicated VM ? I'm quite sure I did this before without an issue.

Thanks for your help
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Error access the data beyond the end of the file

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Looks like you're still using Veeam B&R v5, right? In this case you should delete your target VM replica and start your replication job from scratch.
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[MERGED] Error after Increased disk size

Post by Plexi »

Dear Community

Sorry for my english… :oops:
I have two Questions :arrow: (Backup and Restore).

:idea: I know that this question has been asked several times but I do not understand the correct procedure to fix it. :!:
We still have Veeam Backup & Replication V.6.5 with ESXi 5.0 / vSphere 5.0.
After the disk size of a VM was changed (enlargement of partition c:\), I get the following error in Veeam:

Code: Select all

Error: Client error: An attempt was made to access the data beyond the end of the virtual disk. Size of the disk: [64424509440]. End of the requested region: [64425033728]. Failed to write [524288] bytes to the disk [[local2] VeeamBackup/blablablabla_VM (vm-8027)/blablablabla_VM-flat.vmdk] starting from offset [64424509440]. Failed to replicate content of the disk [vddk://<vddkConnSpec><viConn name="" authdPort="443" vicPort="443" /><vmxPath vmRef="vm-8027" datacenterRef="datacenter-2"
Is it still not possible to keep the existing Backups? Do I really need to delete all Full Backups and all Differential Backups? Is there a solution in newer Versions of Veeam?

Second Question:

If i select „Failover to a particular Version“, will my original VM be overridden?
Is there a way, to restore the specific point to another Location?

Thanks in advance for the help!

Plexi :P
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Error access the data beyond the end of the file

Post by Vitaliy S. »


In order to resolve that you need to be running on our latest version, or use recommendation in this thread. As regards, your other questions, then failover operations do not delete source VMs.

Let me know if that helps!
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Re: Error access the data beyond the end of the file

Post by Plexi »

Hello Vitality S.

Thanks for the reply. OK. I will delete and re-create the Replica... :-(

What happens exactly when i restore to a specific Failover Version if not overriden? Do i have two different Versions on my datastore after the restore?
Sorry,I can not test it unfortunately because it is a productive Environment.

Vitaliy S.
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Re: Error access the data beyond the end of the file

Post by Vitaliy S. »

If you failover, then you will have a production and DR VMs running at the same time. Why do you want to failover in this particular case?
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Re: Error access the data beyond the end of the file

Post by Plexi »


I don't want to failover in this case. It was just a theoretical question because we have never done it before.
If I understood you correctly, after restoring to a differential Backup (in my case one of my 14 Failover points), vSphere will show me 2 different Versions of this VM? The Original and the restored one?

Thanks for the Explanation!

Vitaliy S.
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Re: Error access the data beyond the end of the file

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Yes, that's correct, but I would never keep two similar production VMs powered on in the same network ;)
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Re: Error access the data beyond the end of the file

Post by Plexi »

Hehe, yes would be better for me! :D :wink: Thanks for the help :!: :!: :D

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