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Linux records sshd syslog error after Veeam SSH connection

Post by stuartmacgreen »

Have a Linux server added to my Backup Infrastructure as well as Linux VM Guest Indexing happening in my environment.
Naturally, credentials have been added and verified.

However, against all Linux servers in Veeam, each one records a ERR severity event for SSHD against the AUTH facility in its syslog from the Veeam Backup Console server with the message:

Code: Select all

error: Received disconnect from {} : 0: Client closes connection.
Assuming this is at the disconnection of the SSH session.

How can I suppress these from being recorded?
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Re: Linux records sshd syslog error after Veeam SSH connecti

Post by PTide »


How often does the error occur? Does it happen periodically or at random? Also please specify your VBR version.

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Re: Linux records sshd syslog error after Veeam SSH connecti

Post by stuartmacgreen »

The error occurs when a connection is made.

1. Occurs when there is a Host Discovery event by VBR (for the Linux server that is part of the Backup Infrastructure)
2. When a Linux VM is being backed up and Guest Indexing occurs an SSH connection is made.

At each of these events the above message is recorded in syslog for the respective Linux server.

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Re: Linux records sshd syslog error after Veeam SSH connecti

Post by PTide »

stuartmacgreen wrote:The error occurs when a connection is made.

1. Occurs when there is a Host Discovery event by VBR (for the Linux server that is part of the Backup Infrastructure)
2. When a Linux VM is being backed up and Guest Indexing occurs an SSH connection is made.
That's 100% normal behaviour - each time your VBR server interacts with any of your Linux machines on guest OS level it establishes an ssh connection in order to perform necessary actions (be it indexing or rescan). After everything's been finished the connection is not needed anymore thus client (VBR) closes it. The log message that you have provided contains an error code which is zero, meaning that operation was successfull . If you want to suppress some specific message then you need to tweak your Linux logging settings.

May I ask you - does that message deliver you any problems?

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Re: Linux records sshd syslog error after Veeam SSH connecti

Post by stuartmacgreen »

No does not deliver any problems, just have to suppress them versus real error disconnects. :|
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Re: Linux records sshd syslog error after Veeam SSH connecti

Post by PTide »

versus real error disconnects
If real error occurs then there will be either a log entry with non-zero code on the ssh-server side or a log entry on the client side (Veeam). I think that you could filter reall errors based on an error code.

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